I've noticed that eye safety seems to be a slightly disputable subject. Everybody has their own opinion and some tend to judge others or express their opinion as absolute fact. I for one agree with Razako here, but I'm not saying Monel_funk is wrong either. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. But there should be a guideline to follow. Basically using common sense should be efficient, for the sensible person! Unfortunately there are many idiotic stupid senseless people out there who do infinite amounts of harmful stupid things at their own and other’s expenses. As a member of LPF and with interests of lasers, common sense should be practiced and discussed. Anybody can sound smart and say “wear your safety goggles no exceptions!”
Well I’ve explained my opinion on another thread, but in a nutshell, it goes like this: wearing safety goggles depends on your “lasing” application. If you plan on shooting a beam into the sky, common sense tells me not to wear goggles
(you wouldn’t see anything with them on). If you plan on showing your friend that you can light a cigarette, WEAR YOUR GOGGLES! 
Just a matter of time before cOLD moves this thread to safety!
Well I’ve explained my opinion on another thread, but in a nutshell, it goes like this: wearing safety goggles depends on your “lasing” application. If you plan on shooting a beam into the sky, common sense tells me not to wear goggles

Just a matter of time before cOLD moves this thread to safety!