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HELP with DX green laser pot mod

Dec 5, 2007
i know everyone here is not that fond of the DX green laser mods i have a 5mw green laser and i want to up it but to maby like 35 or like 50 or higher i got it all open fine but it took awile but i got it open so i got in there and i moved the pot clockwise and got it all back together but i turned it on and theres no difference maby i even lost power what should i do???????

please help

Problem. The DX greens have APC (automatic power control) that uses the photodiode, so you will not get any benefit by pot modding it. Plus the pot isn't actually connected.
oh did not know that thank you.
want about disconnecting the IR sencer my friend did it to his
There are several versions green lasers that DX sells. On many of them the pot does nothing. You have to confirm which you have. Post a clear pic of the PCB.
divindavid said:
oh did not know that thank you.
want about disconnecting the IR sencer my friend did it to his

if u wanna remove the sensor just snap it off, it's only held on with a bit of glue
ok i have the DX new wish 5mw green

i am not getting a clear dot at all the dot is mest up
i will add pics tommarow of the PCB and the dot.

can i get a pic of the IR senser so i know what i am doing
it's the last item in the optical train, it's a small piece of glass which redirects some light to a small sensor with a green and orange wire attached to it, all u gotta do is rip it off
i cant find it i will post some pics later cause i gotta go diving and then go to the post office to get my DX 100mw 5v laser module i am so excited
ok i fixed the dot problem i just had to clean the diode with a dry swab and it is good now but it seems very at low power.

i tryed to take some pics but i they were very blurry i will take them with my webcam when i get home from diving
