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Help modding cheap keychain laser pointer into a 1W monster

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New member
Dec 14, 2021
Hello so i recently got into the hobby of buying and building lasers and im relatively new to electronics but i know the basics, my current project involves moddifing a cheap 5mw keychain laser pointed into atleast a 800mw Class 4 red laser, now ive done simple dvd burner diode mods but i never done anything like this above 200mw so i decided to come here and get some assistance from you guys, some advice on the matter would be appreciated and could someone please provide me with a circuit diagram that best suits my project? Im thinking about using AMC7135's for this build along with filter capacitors, but how many would be required to operate a laser of this power without any issues? And would resistors be neccesary for this build? Thanks!

You can do it but your going to have a couple issues.
1. Biggest issue is going to be heat both on the diode and the driver on that small of a host with large output. If you limit/watch the duty cycle you can probably do it.
2. Battery life, with a small host, you are limited to a small battery (quality 10440).

I think with a 3 amc7135s on the driver you are really pushing the max on the Mitsubishi diode (1050ma). You can buy a cheap LED DRIVER already made with 3 on it, that should fit in the .5" tube you will need for the 10440 and the aixiz module. (https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10001751/1127406-3v-5v-3-amc7135-led-flashlight-driver-circuit)
MAY be able to trim sides of this to fit.

I know my 200mw can get warm pretty quick.

i might just buy the amc7135's seperatly and then solder them on myself, do you think i should add a forth amc7135 just to be safe? Also Im thinking about using 10180 cell batteries for this project
i might just buy the amc7135's seperatly and then solder them on myself, do you think i should add a forth amc7135 just to be safe? Also Im thinking about using 10180 cell batteries for this project
4 will kill the diode for sure - 2 or 3 only

Each amc7135 will add 350ma of current. If you use 2 you get 700ma, 3 is 1050, 4 is 1400.
Laser diodes need a constant current source. They will use as much current as you supply, until it kills them. They aren't very bright! (ha, ha)
I personally had issues trying to use the AMC7135s to drive laser diodes. I would only try that on very inexpensive diodes as they tend to be noisy on startup and that can kill a diode. You'll really hate it if you lose an expensive diode to a cheap driver.
4 will kill the diode for sure - 2 or 3 only

Each amc7135 will add 350ma of current. If you use 2 you get 700ma, 3 is 1050, 4 is 1400.
Laser diodes need a constant current source. They will use as much current as you supply, until it kills them. They aren't very bright! (ha, ha)
Oh right that makes sense, thanks mate!
I personally had issues trying to use the AMC7135s to drive laser diodes. I would only try that on very inexpensive diodes as they tend to be noisy on startup and that can kill a diode. You'll really hate it if you lose an expensive diode to a cheap driver.
What driver do you recomend then?
Have you ever built any portable lasers before ?
You can read and easily find these answers, we don't spoon feed instructions here for many good reasons.
Make sure you know and obey the laws in your area concerning the ownership and use of lasers.

A 1W direct diode laser in a key chain sized housing won't have very much runtime, neither battery life or duty cycle until it gets too hot and why do you want a 1W in such a compact size that looks like a typically safe item ?

There's a potential here for an unsuspecting victim to cause themselves a lifelong disability when you put something dangerous into a typically safe looking item.

Will this keychain laser be carried on a keychain, if so will you build in a safety of some sort ?

Are you attempting to conceal this laser in a tiny pointer for a specific reason ?

P.S. Any laser over 5mw and especially an 800-1500mw laser can cause lifelong visual disability in an instant, make sure you have and use the appropriate laser safety glasses to attenuate the wavelength you will be working with to protect your eyes and never put others at risk of injury when lasing.
My recommendation is to not do this. The reasons why this is a bad idea are too many to list here and keep anyone's attention.
Have you ever built any portable lasers before ?
You can read and easily find these answers, we don't spoon feed instructions here for many good reasons.
Make sure you know and obey the laws in your area concerning the ownership and use of lasers.

A 1W direct diode laser in a key chain sized housing won't have very much runtime, neither battery life or duty cycle until it gets too hot and why do you want a 1W in such a compact size that looks like a typically safe item ?

There's a potential here for an unsuspecting victim to cause themselves a lifelong disability when you put something dangerous into a typically safe looking item.

Will this keychain laser be carried on a keychain, if so will you build in a safety of some sort ?

Are you attempting to conceal this laser in a tiny pointer for a specific reason ?

P.S. Any laser over 5mw and especially an 800-1500mw laser can cause lifelong visual disability in an instant, make sure you have and use the appropriate laser safety glasses to attenuate the wavelength you will be working with to protect your eyes and never put others at risk of injury when lasing.
Mate respectfully piss off, i had an arguement with you in the last thread i made i didnt ask for your answer, im a grown man so stop talking to me like im your child, and you didnt even answer my question i dont want to hear your concerns
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You just made an account two days ago and you have made no apparent effort to do your own research, yet you think you can dictate who gets to reply to your posts......NOPE !

This is our hobby too and we have a vested interest in attempting to educate noobs like you who with no experience, want the most powerful laser in things like keychain pointers or cigarette lighters, it's a recipe for disaster and you will get the safety speech, maybe you will learn something, maybe not, but you're going to hear it.

You just made an account two days ago and you have made no apparent effort to do your own research, yet you think you can dictate who gets to reply to your posts......NOPE !

This is our hobby too and we have a vested interest in attempting to educate noobs like you who with no experience, want the most powerful laser in things like keychain pointers or cigarette lighters, it's a recipe for disaster and you will get the safety speech, maybe you will learn something, maybe not, but you're going to hear it.
Well then howcome on the last thread i made instead of lecturing me like you say you instead take the piss out of my question and insult me, totally uncalled for, and even called me a troll because i asked something you thought was dumb? Again, totally uncalled for, also i dont mind a little safety speech, but dont shove it in my face in every post like im a damn toddler, i obviously know the safety precations i have to take and i accept the risks
locking thread for two reasons

1. There's another similar thread like it and
2. The arguing continued onto here
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