sorry for interrupting..
I made the same driver AND test-load just a couple of days ago with almost the same result. LD put out a faint red light, no flash or nothing, just a light faint enough that I knew something wasnt right.
After the failure had been faced (and accepted mind you) I kinda gave ESP the blame for the crippled diode. I ran the driver with 7.2V and had the current regulated at around 100mw and even discharged the cap prior to the initial LD test.
The driver and everything built seems fine. Ive tested the resistors, the adjustable pot and the cap.. all is very close to spec. What I dont understand is when powered by 2x 16340's @ ~7.2V I still meassure aprox 6,9v output of the driver. This doesnt add up when compared to the text and what I read from you guys about the LM317.
Have I understood correctly I would get around (7.2 - 3v)= 4.2v output
any ideas on that one. ? maybe I could help the both of us
I made the same driver AND test-load just a couple of days ago with almost the same result. LD put out a faint red light, no flash or nothing, just a light faint enough that I knew something wasnt right.
After the failure had been faced (and accepted mind you) I kinda gave ESP the blame for the crippled diode. I ran the driver with 7.2V and had the current regulated at around 100mw and even discharged the cap prior to the initial LD test.
The driver and everything built seems fine. Ive tested the resistors, the adjustable pot and the cap.. all is very close to spec. What I dont understand is when powered by 2x 16340's @ ~7.2V I still meassure aprox 6,9v output of the driver. This doesnt add up when compared to the text and what I read from you guys about the LM317.
Have I understood correctly I would get around (7.2 - 3v)= 4.2v output
any ideas on that one. ? maybe I could help the both of us