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FrozenGate by Avery

help me build a laser please,,, will laserdiodes f


Oct 15, 2007
what is the strongest laser diod i can find around the house cd or dvd? cd-burner dvd-burner?
can i se the laser from one of those diods?

can some one tell me about how many mw it can put out? puls or cw?
im new to things like this so please explane how i can build my own strong laser
with cheap components !!!

components i have
old laser housing
diodes from cd and dvd (not burners)
transistors and other small components

what more does i need to build one?

Re: help me build a laser please,,, will laserdiod

You need to read LOTS of threads in the experiments and mods section if you want to learn to build a laser - TONS of info floating around in there :-)
Re: help me build a laser please,,, will laserdiod

Well welcome to the forum. Oh and the
button is your best friend. ;D
Re: help me build a laser please,,, will laserdiod

Senkat (or other mod), i think u should post a stand-out stickie for the newbies advising them to read/research before posting for info on building a "burning laser" after they've watched the now infamous DIY video(s). Basically what you instruct all those who post this and similar questions.

It would be helpful and it will save u guys repeating yourselves. 8-) Just a thought...
Re: help me build a laser please,,, will laserdiod

yes8s said:
Senkat (or other mod),  i think u should post a stand-out stickie for the newbies advising them to read/research before posting for info on building a "burning laser" after they've watched the now infamous DIY video(s). Basically what you instruct all those who post this and similar questions.

It would be helpful and it will save u guys repeating yourselves.  8-) Just a thought...

Well, I WOULD agree - but...(you knew that was coming, right ?) none of the folks that come on here hoping to make a deathstar read any part of the forum anyways, so a sticky would be more clutter unfortunately. NOT catagorizing all the new folks into this bucket, it really just seems like 90% of the first posts are, " I came here to build a burning laser, someone tell me exactly how to do it through the whole process" and not like this, " I read everythibng in the experiments and mods section, and I have a question about ....."

Know what I mean ? To quote someone famous - "The good Lord helps those that help themselves" Oh one more for the road while I am quoting people, here's one of my favorites (from ME coincidentally, LOL !!), " READ LOTS !"
Re: help me build a laser please,,, will laserdiod

LOL. I see your point. :) I thought maybe something titled "SO YOU WANNA MAKE A SUPER DUPER POWERFUL BURNING LASER.....READ THIS FIRST(or START HERE)" But i guess they will still post and you will still answer :P Nevermind :)
Re: help me build a laser please,,, will laserdiod

well one thing to note is that a dvd-burner diode is red, and a cd-burner is infrared, so dvd-burner is what you want. however, not all dvd burner diodes are usable, so it's best to get a diode from one of the group buys here. and as far as i know, diodes can be run either pulsed or CW, but CW will be a lower mW. same actual output though?
