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Help - looking to purchase 2 laser pointers - Anyone building/selling them?

Good grief… you must be bored and a Karen of sorts..

This is a forum, on the OPEN and FREE internet, meant to provide info for those that don’t know the info, and to ask questions.. stop being such a downer.. the site itself has the info for safe lazing, not you. I’ve been a member on more forums than I can remember and idk why people like you turn on the sirens as soon as you see someone doing or saying something that doesn’t align with your ideals.. like, he didn’t come here to ask in which way he can improve his past mistakes 😂

I have been trying to get in touch with jlasers.org for a few days now, but haven't had any luck reaching someone. I'm not sure if they are still in business or not. Does anyone know or have a way to reach them so I can place an order? OR Is there anyone else custom building similar type laser pointers as jlasers? Please let me know. Thanks in advance.
I am. I use his heatsinks and I have blue, green and red lasers available immediately
