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Help! How to allign CNI lab lasers?


Feb 13, 2015

I have several EXTREMELY misalligned CNI lab lasers (532nm) - crystals and all stuff were taken out and placed inside again - they unfortunately dont work because of that, and I am completely unable to allign them by hand, it's just so damn tedious. Can anyone tell me how to do it properly and what tools would greatly help me? I really need to fix those lasers ASAP cause I don't have green anymore in my projectors

Is not a task for the casual hobbiest. Self servicing should not be attempted unless you know what you are doing and why--even then not something to do with no experience or technical ability in doing.

Send it back to CNI for alignment ot ask one of CNI's 19 International distributors what the best course of action is. Perhaps try them first before going directly to CNI.

CNI's 19 Distributors are listed here: Contact CNI

PS CNI News: May. 25, 2017 CNI releases 532 nm active stabilized frequency laser with long-term frequency shift <0.2 pm.

No way I am doing that, it would cost me more than I paid for them
No way I am doing that, it would cost me more than I paid for them

Encap gave you a pretty good option & realistically, the only safe one. You can always try to attempt repairing them but if not done by a professional you run the risk of shorter lifetime for the laser, lower output powers, and possible damage that would make repairs worse in the future. If you are fine with that, it might be a neat project to try to re-assemble it though. Just a word of warning :)

What's the specified output power?

You need laser safety glasses for 532nm, 808nm and 1064nm. Do you have those? A digital camera can come in useful too, you can visualize the 808nm pump beam with that. May need to remove the IR filter from said camera.

Do you have an LPM?

Have you verified the pump is good?

Have you verified the crystals and any other optics (mirrors, pump correction optics) are intact and in good condition?

Any I've looked at are relatively simple to align unless the cavity optics were in any way modified or damaged. The cavity optics are normally one "unit", in that they are mounted and aligned from the factory in one "package" (which can also be disassembled, but there's typically no need), all you need to do is adjust the pump beam. I'm pretty sure even the >1W designs are the same, although I've only worked on units up to 500mW 532nm and lower power 473nm units.
Yes, the pump diode is okay. I am always looking through camera (to see IR properly) so eye safety is not a concern. How to know if crystals are shot though? The main allignment problem is the fact that I dont have tools that allow me to move crystal assembly with 0,1mm precision. Unfortunately cavity was disassembled (ktp removed and placed again so it may be out of allign too)
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