Hello guys, I have a 1W 525nm green laser and when I first received it and chucked the batteries in it and switched it on it was ultra bright. I noticed when I have been using it the laser seems to not be as bright as when I first got it. I’ve had the laser for over a week now however I have been using it every night for like 30-40 minutes. But I never have it on for more then 80 seconds straight. I do let it cool down for around 2-5 minutes. My batteries are brand new Panasonic 3400mAh 18650’s. The laser is still very bright but just not as bright when I first got it. No big difference though. I’m guessing it may be either my lens are a bit dirty or my eyes have adapted to the brightness because I don’t really wear goggles when using it outside. What do you guys think? Thank you. - Dylan
What kind of charger is it? Did the batteries come with the laser? Did both the charger and batteries come with the laser? Do you even have goggles, and if so what kind? Get new batteries and a reputable brand charger if they came with the laser. (Nitecore is a great charger option)
Sorry if I sound aggressive, it’s just that you didn’t post much info, to avoid follow up questions include all information in the first post.
The Mark 1 human eye is a very poor device. There are endless flaws that make it pretty useless as a reliable metering device. It certainly can't adequately measure laser power. Get a meter if you want to be sure, not that that solves anything either.