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Hello from Central Florida!


Apr 17, 2014
Hey everyone, I've been lurking on the forums for a short while and I love the community vibe. I'm a RadTech student and trained car/motorcycle mechanic. So electronics and wiring are definitely a big interest of mine. I've had the basic flea market $5 pointers a few times and always loved the way a laser works. Lately I have been wanting to get into the hobby/lifestyle of the laser world. I'm hoping to build my own and probably will become addicted. Hope to make some new friends and enjoy myself on the forums, and maybe even contribute somehow. Hope to hear from some of you guys in different threads.


we have recently gotten other newcomers from Fla and you just missed a super gathering of laser geeks near orlando- happens at least once per year and to see what you missed just google FLEM also lots to be seen by also googling 'SELEM-Laser'

someone has started a social LPF group just for members in Florida or near there--

when you meet others from Fl- just go to thier profile page- and on the right side below thier friends list you will see the group to click on them join-
OR go to the top of the LPF home page and click on 'community' all the social groups can be found that way.

one thing you also will need to do is find 'group tools' there and go to subscribe to click 'add' so that and will get emails when something new is added-- Pretty good intro thread- we like to see these first-- and then later the requests for help- BUT try searching the section relevent before asking for help as there are VERY few 'new' questions.. you should also just google your search terms too-- for the history of lasers and a place to fing a ton of help is Sam's Laser-- Sam is the 'keeper' of the laserists 'bible' put together him and MANY others and kept in one place for us to use -- no other place has more info on gas lasers especially--
If and when you make FLEM you can count on being made to feel at home at the event- you will get to see many hours of new lasershows that you will NEVER see elsewhere-your laser addiction will grow stronger and do not be surprized if you begin to see laser projectors in a whole new (coherant) light!!--

nice to have you here- If I CAN HELP PM ME ANYTIME--
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Thanks for the greetings guys, also Len that was already a very warming welcome and helpful reply thanks. Being a med student its hard to be able to get out often and my job is school so it will take a little while before I am able to start builds or even buy decent lasers and saftey equipment unfortunately. But Ill still keep on the lookout for good deals that can get my feet wet.
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