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Hello from a new member, thank you

Maxwel III

New member
Jan 15, 2023
Greetings to everybody.
Thank you for the treasure-trove of information, links and discussion.
I conduct all activities either in strong sunlight, freshly mowed lawn, or an indoor windowless masonry room.

Sincerely, (Mike)
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Greetings to everybody.
Thank you for the treasure-trove of information, links and discussion.
I conduct all activities either in strong sunlight, freshly mowed lawn, or an indoor windowless masonry room.

Sincerely, (Mike)

Hello Mike and Welcome to LPF

Are you saying that you only do your lasing activities in strong sunlight, freshly mowed lawn, or windowless masonry room ?
Yep -- I'm in a suburban area, safety is paramount. During the wet season it's safe outdoors but we get bushfires during drought. October/ November your lawn will literally catch fire.
I assume you have the proper laser safety glasses, do you ?
Bright sunlight will make your lasers point of impact or spot look dimmer, but it's still a danger to your eyes if over 5mw.
Yes when it's dry things can smolder for hours, good thing to be aware of if lasing outdoors.
Yep got all the gear. I've been "lurking" this for years -- thought it best to have the good manners to join.
Also I'm in a country where fkn EVERYTHING is illegal, even vapes are illegal here along with everything else so I always take extra care never to be seen.
