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FrozenGate by Avery

hello again

Aug 3, 2012
It has been a few years since I last posted any photos on LPF. Out of the blue, Encap PM'd me asking me how am I doing and if I am still photographing my lasers, to which the answer is yes. In the past few years I have purchased a Sanwu RGB and many Sanwu low power Pocket lasers. I have also added more Hue lighting in my Laser room. Here are some random shots taken over the last few years. Some of these are using multiple 405nms and other UV lighting sourced to light up different types of glass and vials of water. The last one os what I am working on at the present. Enjoy

DSC_1491_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_2782_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_5940_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_6457_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_7233_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_7529_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_8006_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_8788_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_9770_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_0908_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_1116_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_1854_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_2760_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_3135_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_4737_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_5203_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_5323_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_6974_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_7809_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_8593_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

Happy to see that you decided to share some more of your outstanding laser photo art. (y)
Very mpressive evolution --many elements combined in unique eye pleasing ways.

Beautifuly done, as always. Nice work! Thanks for posting.
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Was just having another look at your post--all of the photos posted are even more impressive with a second look.
There is so much to take in, like, and enjoy that one look is an overwhelming amount.
Takes a little time and longer look to appreciate how great your setups are with so many details perfectly balanced and executed to create those photos.

Thanks again for posting some winners. (y)

Don"t be a stranger--post more of your laser art photos from time to time
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IT is very good to hear from many of the vets Encap, Arctic Dude, Paul, & Curtis!

Arctic Dude - When I got my Sanwu RGB a few years ago, as soon as I started turning the color wheels I thought "This is how Artic Dude feels when he is creating his landscape laser photos with magenta, pink, white, or whatever color is desired.

Encap - A very nice compliment by looking in detail at some of the photos. In some of them there is alot (sometimes too much) going on but every thing you see is carefully planned out and executed. SInce I have my dedicated room I never have to take anything apart, just making gradual changes every time I photograph. It puts my OCD to good use

Here are a few more random pics:

DSC_9134_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_8464_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_7733_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_7611_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_6619_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_6180_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_5766_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr

DSC_5404_resize by Bruce Mironov, on Flickr
I can assure you that your effort doesn't go unnoticed. Each photo is high quality and perfectly shot. Takes real skill and experience.
Not many could achieve that level of quality. Look forward to seeing more.
Really nice additional images, brucemir.
Enjoyed seeing them very much.

You always make laser beams come to life as high quality feast for the eyes photos.
It is exceptional that you don't ever seem be short on new ideas and new ways. The compositions are always fresh and evolving.
It Is a serious gift and talent you have for making inspired laser photo art, repeatedly.

I ditto what Curtis said above absolutely "Takes real skill and experience. Not many could achieve that level of quality."

Thanks for posting them
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brucemir: Please post a few more photos now from time to time.
Nice refreshing change of pace to see same on LPF again.
