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FrozenGate by Avery

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.

I second all of the above sentiments (y)

Best of the best to all who view LPF and to every contributing LPF member for a safe , healthy, enjoyable, and Happy Holiday season and an excellent New Year 2020.

For the coming 2020 New Year, as has been before, well said,>>>

This is my wish for you:
Comfort, on difficult days.
Smiles, when sadness intrudes.
Rainbows to follow the clouds.
Laughter to kiss your lips.
Sunsets, to warm your heart.
Hugs, when spirits sag.
Friendships, to brighten your being.
Beauty, for your eyes to see.
Faith, so that you can believe,
Confidence, for when you doubt.
Patience, to accept the truth.
Courage, to know yourself.
Love, to complete your life.

~ anonymous~

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all. I had a visit yesterday from my daughter and granddaughter. I got my granddaughter a "Chase Me Casey'. It is a dancing character that also sings and roller skates around on the floor. She loves it.
