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FrozenGate by Avery

Green Laser Reccomendation


New member
Apr 5, 2021
Hi all,

Newbie here on the forums, looking for a bit of advice. I work in the film and entertainment industry and use green lasers to communicate mostly indoors in stages and venues. I have gone through 10 cheap and not so cheap laser pointers in as many years. All of them have seemed to meet the same fate- buttons stop working, battery contacts become unreliable, laser becomes intermittent, etc. I’ve tried spending more on higher outputs, etc, but the laser bodies all seem to be the same cheap construction with a very limited lifespan under the duty cycles I put them through. I don’t need massive outputs, just good visibility mostly indoors over distances around 300’. I had a 100mW laser that was great visually, but not massively better for my application than the cheap 5mW alternatives and broke just as quickly. What I really want is reliability, portability for EDC, and rechargeable. I found Sanwu in my brief scan of these forums and the “pocket” model is very attractive. It seems to tick most boxes if it holds up to constant use, the only improvement I could see would be a usb rechargeable version in that form factor. Is there something out there that has this? I don’t mind paying more for quality construction. It just seems that when you pay more you get bigger more powerful lasers, not better construction in a small portable package. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Any output over 5mW is not considered eye safe and illegal to import or sell from within the USA to customers in the USA.
You would be risking damage to other people eyes if used in a workplace without eye protection/laser glasses for anyone subject to exposure so...
Doubt business liability insurance would cover any incident+ job on the line I would imagine--ask the management for guidance.

Unfortunately you are limited to 5mW or below and there are very few to be found anywhere that are actually 5mW or less.
You can get a high quality 5mW or less and legal pointer from ZBolt USA however see: https://www.custom-laser-pointers.com/

"Laser products promoted for pointing and demonstration purposes are limited to hazard Class IIIa by FDA regulation.
21 CFR 1040.11(b) and 1040.11(c), limit surveying, leveling, and alignment, and demonstration laser products to Class IIIa. This means that pointers are limited to 5 milliwatts output power in the visible wavelength range from 400 to 710 nanometers."
from: https://www.fda.gov/radiation-emitt...rtant-information-laser-pointer-manufacturers

See: Laser Hazard Chart here: https://www.lasersafetyfacts.com/resources/FAA---visible-laser-hazard-calcs-for-LSF-v02.png
Sanwu has greens up to 1.6 watts. They ship everywhere I think. Be careful!! Wear good safety glasses and don’t point it at the sky, buildings, living things, or anything green/reflective
Laserglow makes some great <5mw green pointers with IR protection for less than $100
www . laserglow . com/product/byproduct/Premium-Laser-Pointers/
I've had their Altair model for years and it's never died on me.
They also have rare 589 yellow and 473 blue options if you have a high budget to work with

Encap is right, you don't want to be shining anything above 5mw around people without safety glasses, and the reason should be most obvious with green lasers. With colors closer to the end of the spectrum like violet I could see 100mw being mistaken for safe since it appears dimmer but the danger is the same no matter the visibility. 5mw of green or another bright color like yellow or light blue will get the job done!
Any output over 5mW is not considered eye safe and illegal to import or sell from within the USA to customers in the USA.
You would be risking damage to other people eyes if used in a workplace without eye protection/laser glasses for anyone subject to exposure so...
Doubt business liability insurance would cover any incident+ job on the line I would imagine--ask the management for guidance.

Unfortunately you are limited to 5mW or below and there are very few to be found anywhere that are actually 5mW or less.
You can get a high quality 5mW or less and legal pointer from ZBolt USA however see: https://www.custom-laser-pointers.com/

"Laser products promoted for pointing and demonstration purposes are limited to hazard Class IIIa by FDA regulation.
21 CFR 1040.11(b) and 1040.11(c), limit surveying, leveling, and alignment, and demonstration laser products to Class IIIa. This means that pointers are limited to 5 milliwatts output power in the visible wavelength range from 400 to 710 nanometers."
from: https://www.fda.gov/radiation-emitt...rtant-information-laser-pointer-manufacturers

See: Laser Hazard Chart here: https://www.lasersafetyfacts.com/resources/FAA---visible-laser-hazard-calcs-for-LSF-v02.png

Yeah, the ones from Z Bolt are really nice. I have a 5mW red and blue pair of pointers I got from them. Z Bolt and also LaserGlow are the best options for high quality pointers that are actually less than 5mW.


