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FrozenGate by Avery

Green laser pointer

Jan 31, 2014

Hi everybody,
i'm searcing for a good laser pointer, a true 5 mw green laser, which have a key; so you can use it only if you got the key.

i see this here LP 515nm 532nm 1-150 but it is to expansive....i dont want to spend more then 30 or 40 $.....and i want only 5 mw not more(SORRY FOR MY fUC***** BAD ENGLISH ):cryyy::cryyy:

You'll probably want to look at something other than a green if you want a reasonably priced true 5, but the problem there is some other wavelengths will be less easy to see and so you'll want higher powers (which then means budgeting for safety glasses). Laser glow does metered true 5s but let me tell you they won't be within budget.
Expect to spend more if you want quality and longer life. Otherwise, if you are handy with soldering iron and know where (+) and (-) wires on the laser module should go to, you can go ahead and build it yourself. I have done it, and I am glad I went this route for the true forest green diode laser, which I may have saved several hundreds on the laser alone (my laser in its entirety and the 4Sevens Lithium Iron Phosphate battery charger altogether costs me $250).
You'll probably want to look at something other than a green if you want a reasonably priced true 5, but the problem there is some other wavelengths will be less easy to see and so you'll want higher powers (which then means budgeting for safety glasses). Laser glow does metered true 5s but let me tell you they won't be within budget.

Actually LaserGlow's Anser fits within his price range. The laser itself is only $39, and depending on where he lives, shipping might only add a few dollars to the end price(if he choses the FREE SHIPPING method).
Laserglow Technologies
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He doesn't want it to be over 5mW, I am assuming it's just going to be used for pointing. And Greenlander you're right, I had it in my head for some reason that his budget had to include safety glasses, which would be a push with an Anser... It's already pushed his budget!
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I lucked out on Canadian eBay and bought a laser 303 similar to sd303 with two batteries and chargers shipped to me for 30.00 . It is outstanding , can burn anything I can throw at it, matches , balloons and black cd cases! LOL It is my first greenie but it says it is 5mw but I think I lucked out and got one way over spec! Yes I know it is cheap China crap but now I am hooked! It was a great first experience !
