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FrozenGate by Avery

Green Laser Pointer SD/YGI/JD/HY-303


Nov 8, 2015
I am not a big fan of laser pointer but recently I saw a laser pointer vendor on the street selling Green Laser Pointer, and I like the distance it can reach in the night, but the price seems to be not right, about 10.95 USD but on the online shop it's only about 5.45 USD, so I decided to buy it via online but they got multiple type of Green Laser Pointer and I've no idea which one I need to buy since I've not found any trusted review upon those laser, some say the YGI burn easier than HY and some say Greeen Laser Pointer 303 as a bullshit.

I need a recommendation on which Green Laser Pointer type I should buy, of course I would choose based on the durability, distance and burning capability.
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If you buy any 532nm laser pointer for 5.45 then its luck of the draw weather you get one that works ok or get one that dosent work well or fails quickly.
If you buy any 532nm laser pointer for 5.45 then its luck of the draw weather you get one that works ok or get one that dosent work well or fails quickly.

It's from a online shop, and the seller had sold more than 300 times. Bytheway the online shop is not owned by the seller, it's look like eBay but Asian version.

Anyway, which one I should buy?
Before you start looking for a laser that can burn you need to buy a pair of laser safety glasses that attenuate the wavelength of light you will be burning with.

Also be aware that the green 532nm dpss lasers use an infrared pump diode that can produce invisible leakage, that is light that you can not see that can hurt your eyes.

As for cheap laser pointers, you get what you pay for, so don't expect much for 5 bucks.


I can tell you your best bet if you want to get a useable INEXPENSIVE green 50-100mw green is from podo, but you must get the safety glasses, he sells glasses for 2 dollars. GET THE SAFETY GLASSES, DON'T RUIN YOUR EYES!

Link for podo's shop is below. Don't forget to scroll down and get the safety glasses.

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YOU murderer those poor innocent lasers.
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The carnage only gets bigger and more expensive from here, laser diodes quiver at the mere mention of my name, lol.
The 303 is a good starting laser, around 50 mW with a reasonable price. In sites like those (you maybe be referring AliExpress?) you need to see the reputation of the seller, so the chances that you get a good one is very high.

The problems with those lasers was already well stated, but I think worth a try. Don't forget the goggles.
The carnage only gets bigger and more expensive from here, laser diodes quiver at the mere mention of my name, lol.

Man, what are you doing all that for? Trying to get the modules? Seems excessive:).........I like it:D

To OP, For $5.45 don't expect much in terms of quality.
And definitely make sure safety and sensibility is first and foremost.
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Dear Lord, the carnage!
Reminds me of pictures of WWI & WWII were the bodies are just stacked up :/
Dear Lord, the carnage!
Reminds me of pictures of WWI & WWII were the bodies are just stacked up :/
I thought the exact same thing, it actually made me a little queezy those poor lost laser host souls:cryyy:
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The 50-200mw dpss 532's last a good bit longer today than they did a few years back.
But I don't know about the 5mw pens, some of these hardly worked when they first came out of the mailbox.
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