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FrozenGate by Avery

Green laser pointer cheaper than laser diode

Jul 9, 2013
Hi guys,
i'm not very informed about lasers so if anybody can help me i would be really thankful. I'm producing some type of device which would include at least three 1-5 mW green laser diodes (if the price isn't too high) per unit.

And i'm looking prices at ebay, prices are around 10 $, for 5mW green laser diode. And than i look prices of green laser pointer,green laser pointer 532 nm 5mw= 3 $.

So where can i get laser diodes like that in laser pointers? And why is price difference so high? Is it some type of "fake green" in laser pointers or what ;) I understand that the beam from those pointers are probably very poor, but for my application it's good enough.


It's a different method of generating the green wavelengths.

The cheap green laser pointers are DPSSLs which use IR diodes to pump crystals whereas green laser diodes directly emit green light.
