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FrozenGate by Avery

Goggles for red laser suggestion


Nov 24, 2013
i'm would like to build an engraving laser machine using two old cdrom.
The laser i would like to use comes from a DVR burner, it should be
almost 200mW, red laser

Before connecting the laser, i would like to ask you a suggestion for goggles.

Here some link:
~30Euro: Protection Safety Glasses Goggles for 650nm Red Laser with CE Certification | eBay
~30Euro : laser protection goggle for 190 380nm& 600 760nm, O.D 4+ CE certified, for 266nm, 355nm, 635/650/660nm red lasers-in Safety Goggles from Home Improvement on Aliexpress.com
~5Euro: 600nm 700nm Safety Glasses Red Laser Protection Goggle With Hard Protect Box Hot -in Safety Goggles from Home Improvement on Aliexpress.com


thank you!

If you can afford it pick up some Eagle Pair.
Eagle Pair® 190-400nm & 580-760nm Laser Safety Goggles

Those are some excellent safety goggles!

Aye, I have these. They're alright at blocking reds, not sure I'd trust them for mega high power 1W and up reds but for the kind of reds that most hobbyists will have (for now...) they're alright.

I'm a bit dubious of their claims to protect down to 580nm, below <600nm they don't seem that great at protection, the yellow dot from my Rigel is still quite visible through these and it's weaker than a stream of piss :P
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hozone, I also have those "Eagle Pair" goggles, and I use them with my 1.25W 638nm laser. They seem to work fine at that power, so at 200mW, you should
have no problems.

Edit: @trencheel, I just tried these goggles out with my 150mW 589nm, and the brightness of the dot is similar (to me) to 1.25W of red. Both seemed comfortable to look at, but obviously the protection is definitely reduced at this part of their covered spectrum. The good news is that most everything in this area is "weaker than a stream of piss". :)
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thank you all, i will search for a reseller, or ask how much will be the shipping to the shop you link here.
