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Glitches and other issues report here

Unown (WILD)

Well-known member
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LPF Site Supporter
Sep 4, 2020
Hi guys I'm getting a few people telling me that lpf is giving all sorts of glitches and potential malware. Can you guys post anything you've personally seen here? I'll then forward this to Avery. Thanks fellas.

Not a single issue on the site when accessed from my computer, the site when viewed on my phone however is a pop-up nightmare! I still love this place though
Yesterday, Friday, was the one and only day I ever saw a problem. Whatever was the cause,it is gone today.
Everything back to normal as of AM today.

It was a fast flickering small 1" X 1" window the popped up in the right corner of the screen that would prevent/lock and ability to click on any aspect of LPF until you closed the "malwindow". Then you could get one click on LPF and had to go through it all again for any item you wanted to access on LPF + at the same time, each time, the "malwindow" would redirect and open a new tab with one of several crazy spam web sites. Same trouble logged in or logged out.
Made it impossible to use/look or enjoy any aspect of LPF--made LPF unusable without several extra steps for each action. I was using my computer. I never look at LPF on a phone.
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I've still had issues sometimes with the post not taking on my HP computer running Windows 10.
Yesterday on mobile there were auto redirects on page click (at least on mobile). One of the led to porn, which was not fun to see on break at work.

LOL I had that exact same thing happen to me on Thursday evening. Also happened at work on a computer there. I wasn't logged into the forum since I wasn't on my own PC and LPF redirect right to a porn site. Lucky there was no one else in the room. :ROFLMAO:
Lots of auto redirect stuff, I always just close out but recently it'll make posting or even viewing the site almost impossible at times.. thought forums had just degraded that far until I visited CPF last week and they're smooth as butter over there.
Won’t be visiting LPF anymore at work that’s for sure if there’s a chance I could get redirected to porn. I work in a school, so this would be highly inappropriate. And these pop-ups on mobile are irritating
Won’t be visiting LPF anymore at work that’s for sure if there’s a chance I could get redirected to porn. I work in a school, so this would be highly inappropriate. And these pop-ups on mobile are irritating
I always have an "adguard" and a "popup blocker" active and until just yesterday I wasn't a member so I had no idea how huge many members "sigs" are here when you're logged in, so unless I'm going to post something I will stay logged out and everything is very clean and easy to browse...
I always have an "adguard" and a "popup blocker" active and until just yesterday I wasn't a member so I had no idea how huge many members "sigs" are here when you're logged in, so unless I'm going to post something I will stay logged out and everything is very clean and easy to browse...
This thread is for reporting glitches and other anomalies not a bitch about peoples sigs thread.
I had a weird glitch a few minutes ago in Fight Section. I tried to post, but when I clicked "Post" this window popped up and somehow my message got posted three times.

Screenshot 2024-07-14 215941.png
I don't like how the background blurs like that. Hurts my eyes. Posting sometimes glitches out as well.
I check in once in a while, but never stay long, all the popup ads with disguised / fake X buttons and redirects really makes me wonder why I bothered to visit the website.

Here's a screenshot of an ad inserted into the middle of someone's post, in a quote... Twice.

Sorry if the image is massive, not sure how to make it smaller.
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^Holy crap! on mobile the ads are usually between two posts for me, I've never seen them injected into a post like that. Thats wild.
