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FrozenGate by Avery

Glasses with 2W 445 Outdoors?

Nov 16, 2012
Hi all,

I was thinking of building a 2+W 445 from one of the new 9mm diodes.

I will definitely by buying a pair or rated and certified 445 glasses for use indoors, but I plan on using it outdoors quite a bit too, and I was wondering, what would be a safe distance (assuming a nice matte object like a tree) to be able to look at the dot without glasses?

Would somewhere on the order of 50 or 100 ft be safe?

It should be safe. IMO, there is no need to use safety goggles when just pointing a laser outside.
You should be safe, however do be careful, my neighbors leave shiny toys in my yard a lot.

These are the best looking cheap laser goggles!

Someone should test a few of them if they´re good against +1W 445nm lasers..

Also, didn´t know that one -from a review-
I bought these glasses to help with insomnia as recommended by my therapist. I was quite skeptical about blue light blocking glasses helping me to sleep. I was completely surprised to find they worked. By the second night, I was sleeping like a baby

For wearing goggles outside for beaming, doesn´t make any sense.

Personally I wear goggles when doing LPM, burning tests and for riskier pictures / vids.
Oh! You can´t be everywhere :)

These goggles seem to be legit.
The only goggles IMO that fit better over glasses, are the OEM laser systems ones. Those also look more "sciency" :tinfoil:
