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FrozenGate by Avery

GBW-H10N 4x Blu-Ray Burner... ?mA's?

lasersbee said:
You will still be looking at the laser beam when you are burning "stuff"...

The safest way... without the proper Safety Goggles is to not use your laser... 8-)

How much do you think it would cost to replace your eyes....
or you may be looking to purchase a folding white cane instead... they cost
about the same price as a good pair of Safety Goggles...

The choice is yours............ ::)


This is true. I might as well buy a whole case of goggles `cause all of my friends will also be looking at the laser burning “stuff” ;D. I won’t use my laser `till I get my goggles… It is true that you can’t replace your eyes (or you can put in some really crappy, no-color motion and shape sensors for like $100,00’s of dollars). The goggles on Dragonlasers have dropped to $25, so they would actually probably be cheaper than a cane :).

Thanks for caring!!!


pullbangdead said:
No.  If you can afford the laser, you can afford the safety goggles.  Especially if you're looking at 4x and 6x lasers, the goggles are likely cheaper than your laser, so no excuse.

Sure, you can focus it using lower power, and then turn the power up.  But then the power is still high when you're using it, and I don't see how you can burn anything without looking at the dot at some point during the burning process.  Not to mention that reflections happen, and even a reflection from a 100mW laser can do real damage.  Hey, they're your eyes, but no qualified person on this forum will tell you that you're safe without proper safety goggles, with "proper" in this case meaning tested and certified for use with lasers such that they meet or exceed the needs for your specific laser(s).

Well actually…. I couldn’t afford the goggles cause I already bought the 4x sled BUT I am putting some money in my PayPal to buy a pair. And your right, I probably would be looking at the beautiful laser while burning things. Thanks for the safety warning.


charlie bruce said:
Get goggles! they really help when burning, though I found that I got the same degree of control when squinting carefully - your eyes are worth more than $30 (dragonlasers.com)... As for the 6X sleds, it's likely that the dealers simply steal a trayful of sleds off the production line as and when they fail a QC process. Since it's a random chance when they fail, and whether or not they will be able to steal them, we don't know when they will be able to get more (or if they will EVER get more!). That's why my buy failed, and they couldn't quote me a delivery time. The PHRs are more reliable because they came from the now-obsolete HD DVD drives, and would otherwise have been scrapped.


Thanks for the source on buying goggles… they actually dropped down to $25 now! Now that I think about it, my eyes are worth spending $25 on. Thinking about my mom’s friend, who is almost completely blind and deaf and struggles a lot, makes me really want eye protection and I’m buying a pair of goggles tonight!

And thanks for the explanation on the 6x sled availability. But other than the fact that >5mW lasers are illegal in the USA, isn’t it illegal to buy stolen goods (even if you can’t confirm that they were stolen)? I have the feeling that one day a laser-interested cop will join LPF and then bust half the people here for buying stolen (hot) sleds ;D.

Spyderz20x6 said:
4x's tend to die more easily than PHRs, and not be able to handle that much current.

Yeah... but the 4x have a higher mW output so they're kinda' worth it :).
