I'm working on a project for a class, it's pretty much a laser scanner. I'm trying to interface the galvos (I got the speclas 20k ones) with this dev board i've got. It's an Actel Smartfusion board with 2 1bit delta sigma DACs. I'm trying to figure out if those will be sufficient to drive the galvo drivers with, or if I need something else.
Where can I find a spec sheet on this galvo set? The only documentation I have is rather short, and assumed you have some sort of premade driver, instead of making your own. I'd like to know what sort of impedance these have on the inputs.
I'd also like to test alignment and speed before I start working on the software side, can I hook the driver inputs up to function generators?
Lastly, where can I find more information on the ILDA spec itself, as in how images are encoded. I'd like to possibly interface with a parallel port and have an ILDA passthrough mode so I can use typical ilda software.
i want make square with laser show,do you know the needed frequency of galvos for scannig a square?