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Fulminex lasers

Frank T

New member
Jul 8, 2019
Has anyone hear of the Fulminex company?. They are selling a few laser pointer models and giving few real details and what seems like exaggerated claims.

Probably just another Chinese reseller; if their claims sound too good to be true, they probably are, I'd stay away and stick to the reputable companies, such as Jetlasers and Sanwu, or possibly a custom build from some of the members here such as Lifetime 17.
Necro investigation follow up question lol
Do you have a link to any laser that Fulmenx is selling or reselling---is not a name ever mentioned on LPF before.
Here is the web site for Fulminax: https://fulminaxed.com/
This a strange one. It's more of a sell everything type of gadget store.
I'ts a in between priced store also, not outrages but high priced. Also i'm having a hard time finding what color laser or power claims their host's have??? The laser warning stickers on them may be the only clue to what color it is?
This a strange one. It's more of a sell everything type of gadget store.
I'ts a in between priced store also, not outrages but high priced. Also i'm having a hard time finding what color laser or power claims their host's have??? The laser warning stickers on them may be the only clue to what color it is?
Has anyone hear of the Fulminex company?. They are selling a few laser pointer models and giving few real details and what seems like exaggerated claims.
Hah It just happens that I have done some digging on them today because of a Facebook ad of theirs that was posted by Lazerman on Laser discord. They are the usual Chinese shitty company, Things I've noticed:
1) Claims powers up to 30w of power at a wavelength of 532nm
2) Generic cheap looking host
3) They use pictures of the Sanwu 7w striker to advertise their laser


4) Claim that it can engrave metal?!
5) They have a common Ebay kit on sale for 167$??!!
6) TL DR Another shitty company with laughable claims.
Well....Dunno about this Sh!tty BS Laser Company...BUT....I WANT ONE'O" THESE !!! Gold Plated....that is why it is called" The Throne " !!! CDB
Gold Plated WC.png
PLEASE DONT BUY!!! I made a purchase for their powerlax laser. In all the pics and videos it shows that its purple. When I got the order confirmed email I noticed the picture of it had the laser warning sticker on it with a green line. if you know lasers, the stickers line color indicates the light it emits and the nm I think. so I quickly emailed them and asked what exactly did I just buy...lol after a couple emails and a week later I finally get a response but to why it wasnt shipped yet. Due to the coronavirus. Which still at this time going on 4 weeks now it still has not shipped.... in the mean time I have sent them like 40 emails trying to hetget a decent response. After threatening to report them and cancel my order I got a human response. Most of the emails look like an automated response. I did find out the laser I ordered is green and not purple like every single picture and video. Still have not answerwd how powerful it is. Lol I wish I had my money Ispent on this nightmare for a laser I could of been playing with weeks ago...I will keep you updated
Has anyone hear of the Fulminex company?. They are selling a few laser pointer models and giving few real details and what seems like exaggerated claims.
Has anyone hear of the Fulminex company?. They are selling a few laser pointer models and giving few real details and what seems like exaggerated claims.
Has anyone hear of the Fulminex company?. They are selling a few laser pointer models and giving few real details and what seems like exaggerated claims.

I have received 14 replies with varying excuses. I believe I have backtracked ownership of the company to a family from Venezuela who currently live at Trump's El Doral Country Club in Miami.




I believe they are a criminal organization flaunting their stolen money by living in luxury at the presidents country club. Free Secret Service protection and all.
All I can tell you is that I'm one of their suckers. :rolleyes:

I knew it was too good to be true but with a discount o_O I still wasted $25

I have a tracking number from china but of course, I don't believe anything is shipping.

Stay tuned....I was hoping for the better and to give them some kudos....
Please guys cancel the payment with your credit card company I bougt 2 of these powerlax pieces of crap that won't even get warm (pointing at my skin) they dont come with batteries protective glasses or even a box as stated. They tell you batteries won't go thru customs buy one from your local store. Basically sorry about your luck deal with it. And fast easy 30 day money back guarantee you gotta be joking. They did offer me $5 for being sent the gold ones instead of gray. Oh what laser sticker. Trust me you won't be happy, more like livid
