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FrozenGate by Avery

FS waterproof O-Like 400mW 405nm

So I finally got the laser today.

Just LMPed it. Puts out a very steady 300-305mW with a peak of 317mW.

Considering the great deal I got, I'm quite happy with it.
arent they supposed to be 400mW's??

Just to be clear... this isn't the seller's fault in any way, it's o-like who deserves the blame.

The laser is advertised as being >350mW, even though they label it 400mW.

Also unlike most hobbyists o-like only takes peak and raw optical reading into account. So for example the laser peaks at 317mW and actually puts out stable ~300mW. If I were to sell it I would put it as 300mW.

The waterproof and focusing lens also take away from the total output.

So according to o-like's convoluted logic this laser is actually on spec.

Needless to say, I don't agree and think that portion of their approach is BS. Unfortunately it's still better than the other 99% of chinese companies that just guess at the output.
