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FrozenGate by Avery

FS: Uniphase single line Argon *price reduced*

quadcam said:

I love how Argons always look huge like some uber death ray but are always like 50mw at best. ;D

Quadcam - mine is in the neighborhood of 240mw....it is a multi-line, 6 lines total - and over 40mw per line....
Of course, I am only trusting Sam at his word on those measurements... LOL :D Argon's are gorgeous, IMO - regardless of their output !

I didn't know if I had enough money for the 200 dollars needed :-/

But if nobody takes it sooner, I'm going to slowly work my way up to 350!

EDIT: AH I just checked my online banking thing, and I got a deposit from my work for 321 dollars. >:(

Let's see,
180-70= 110
110+320= 430
430/2= 215

$215 towards it as of right now.
