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FS: bluray 900mW+ and ~1100mW+

Oct 18, 2014
this is my new build with 3.8mm diode singlemode bluray, i have about 20pcs in my stock!
- Power read on my LPM is 900mW and ~1100mW
* 90usd: One use 1 x 10440 size battery (~1.1W) include G2 lens , Kdriver boost , dutycycle 20s On, 15s Off
* 90usd other one use 2 x 16340 size batteries (900mW) include G2 lens, Softstart 1s Kdriver buck, dutycycle 120s ON, 60-90s OFF
* All them use copper module new heatsink which i was producted in this thread
* batteries NOT include because safe airlines
- costship 75usd (3-5 days arrived)
thanks for watching! :)





2, update tiny Violet 1000mW+, test max is 1700mW at 750mA singlemode diode on my LPM
- Size : 90 x 14mm, run by 1 x 10440 lithium







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I would buy one but the shipping really kills me, could you please check if there is a cheaper shipping method available (maybe a courier that uses mail forwarding to bypass your country's incredibly expensive postal system)?

I would buy one but the shipping really kills me, could you please check if there is a cheaper shipping method available (maybe a courier that uses mail forwarding to bypass your country's incredibly expensive postal system)?

ok i will answer you after about 10hrs
update mini vioet 1000mW+,
i has test max power in my LPM is 1700mW singlemode diode with 800mA
size 90 x 14mm, run by 1 x 10440 battery
dutycycle 15s ON/ 15s OFF

some pics beamshot at night:




I don't think anyone will be buying from you from now on
At least until he can offer shipping that brings the total cost of the purchase to within 50% margins of the cost of the laser itself. I could build this laser for $75 USD batteries, charger, and shipping included (have some contacts in China lol)
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Oh, my boy , :)) you can go out if don’t want to see my thread : dud445
Gazer101 : just do it :)) if you complete like my product, i will buy it 😜
Catch the bear before you sell his skin
Oh, my boy , :)) you can go out if don’t want to see my thread : dud445
Gazer101 : just do it :)) if you complete like my product, i will buy it 😜
Catch the bear before you sell his skin
I'm not your boy. You know the more you post the worse you make yourself look. I wouldn't be surprised to see your entire business crumble from all of this.
I'm not your boy. You know the more you post the worse you make yourself look. I wouldn't be surprised to see your entire business crumble from all of this.
Your tongue has no bone but it breaks bone
bring your own self down with you ? No, don’t think like that!
You should keep silent for saving your self first
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bring your own self down with you ? No, don’t think like that!
You should keep silent for saving your self first
Learn english. Talking to you is like talking to an old lady who's dementia has reached an unfathomable level of degradation.
Oh, my boy , :)) you can go out if don’t want to see my thread : dud445
Gazer101 : just do it :)) if you complete like my product, i will buy it 😜
Catch the bear before you sell his skin
I don't really have any incentive atm (since I already have so many lasers and don't plan on selling to anybody) but will be sure to post a build thread if I do

The reason I would have wanted to buy a laser from you with up to 50% markup as opposed to making it myself was for the novelty lol
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For 75$ shipping I expect a gentleman with a suit to deliver me the laser the next business day In a diamond case.... Where in the fuck do you get those shipping figures from? Even from china FedEx int priority is 22$ with 3-5 day shipping... Also about the 1700mw LPM how the fuck did you get that with 800mA? You a magician or something? Dtr's tests show that that diode hits 1.1w at 700mA how come the extra 100mA gives a 600mw jump in output? Also didn't you say in laser discord that the diode died when you fed it 850mA?

And you are still selling it? Also please don't abuse the BDRs so high use the sharp diodes. The BDR diodes at those output powers only last a few min total of CW.
I like up to max until my diode die for seeing how max current my diode can up?
My diode, i can do anything with it if i want, you should keep silent or go out !
Beside, have i talk that it is BDR diode ????
And can you see my test at here is 1100mW??? Or you can not see anything boy?
I like up to max until my diode die for seeing how max current my diode can up?
My diode, i can do anything with it, you should keep silent or go out !
Beside, have i talk that it is BDR diode ????
And can you see my test at here is 1100mW??? Or you can not see anything boy?
See if you are using anything but the BDR diode you are lying about it being single mode.
I fully believe that you reached 1100mw but I don't believe that you reached 1700 with a bdr, If the diode is not a bdr again you are lying about it being single mode.
I am not your boy tung nor your friend. I don't befriend people like you.
You are the one who said that you got 1700mw Cant you read your own posts boy?
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