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FrozenGate by Avery

FS: 200mW Red and 10mW Blu-Ray

I am on a bit of a laser shopping spree... lack of impulse control when it comes to lasers I suppose.

After my current lasers come in... I'm going cold turkey though(I said that 3 times already:undecided:), and will probably sell a few of my lasers as well. I'm really looking forward to the time when we start seeing 2ld builds, but those will naturally be quite a bit more expensive.

I know exactly what you mean, past few weeks ive been pretty bad with spending. I was thinking about getting a Laserglow Hercules but thats some serious money. Im looking forward to the 2ld builds too...just imagine the burning capabilities :drool:
Burning doesn't excite it me as much as the beams though... a 3.5W 445nm beam... or better yet, 1W red... that actually produces a decent beam. So far a red beam is kind of the holy grail of lasers to me, and wannaburn is working on one... I can't wait to see actual videos and more pictures of the 3.5W 445 in the meantime though.
Sorry guys didn't know the lasers would get so much interest!

G Fourty, It appears you were 1st in line on the pm list. Replying now...:beer:
