j.kid_man, I'll be shipping your 18650 'Maxed Hot option' kit later today. (Saturday)
Hope you like it!
This is a new design option that I have for this 18650 kit now...
Here's what this option looks like with this 18650 kit...
V5 FlexDrive 'Maxed Hot option':
Note: I would recommend spending the extra money on an AW battery. Especially for this current setting:
AW 18650 Protected 2900 mAh Rechargeable Lithium Battery
Many are using the V5 FlexDrive to get 1.5 Amps for their 445 build. The driver needs to be heatsinked for this highest current setting.
I have adjusted the design with this particular kit, to mount and heatsink the V5 FlexDrive directly to the top of the modified pill if you want this option. (the pill gets machined flat, instead of getting drilled out)
This turns the entire host, into the driver heatsink. And works very well...
I'll set it up like this for an extra $15 bucks if you want...
However, the driver documentation does not mention this current setting for a 4 + volt diode, so it will be at your own risk.
That said, the driver seems to be stable at this setting if heatsinked properly...