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FrozenGate by Avery

FS: 150mW Wicked Lasers E2 Green 532nm

Crabapple...I beat you to it...I PM'd him(serpentslayer) at 11:00pm the night before you initiating the process, I'm waiting to hear back from him still.

Sorry to rain on your parade.

Good rule of thumb....

1st to initiate contact no matter what the content of the message as long as it is showing real interest in purchasing> 1st to come up with the money if and only if the first contact is acting up, drops the deal, or any reason at sellers discretion > Re-posting the sell thread.

For example, I held merchandise for a customer for ~2 weeks pending payment as he was the first to contact me. He did nothing wrong, he won. Another person also wanted the same merchandise, but understood the rules. If person 1 didn't want to pay or quit out on me, person two would take the deal!

Another example, Ebay. First one to click buy it now, wins. If you think it works your way, go send random sellers money and a message saying you sent them money and you'll be lucky to get a refund!
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Actually crabapple had contacted me on wednesday at 9:17pm and stated he would be purchasing the laser. Sorry. Steve I will be shipping you the laser asap:)
And this is why we post "PM sent." This shows other buyers that there may be a pending sale and proof that the other buyer did in fact send a PM. Where as now, I have no proof that he ever sent you a PM which put you both in a bad spot.
Guys, I've deal with all of you in this thread before...

(Well aside from sergiomag him I don't know:p)

You're all upfront good guys, and I'm sure no one here is lying.

@xXDUNNXx if you want, I can sell you a SD301 classic 50mW to mod cheap? I feel bad you missed out on both of the WL E2's but unless crabapple backs out, he did pm first.

@crabapple - It's not really a requirement, but it is a good idea to drop a post for PM incoming to show that there is interest in the item.

@SerpantSlayer - It's a good idea on sales thread to keep them updated, as much as you can...

For example adding in Sold Pending Payment if someone committed but you're waiting on the money.

The older I get, the more clear it is to me how much simply communicating matters.

+Rep to all three of you.
Lol...I believe you SerpantSlayer!!

Sorry if I came off harsh Steve, I didn't know you had already been in contact with Serpant!

...BUT I also believe this forum needs some strict selling rules. I was saying if I didn't believe you, and I were some random person, I could go on and on and on and logically be right about the sale not being fair.

What the rule should be is, First to post "PM Sent" and PM the seller, wins. That way the mass of people can be updated on progress AND the seller can safely say "there is your proof" without getting accused of photoshop or editing the webpage before screenshot or one of many ways to fake the message(I trust you SerpantSlayer...not saying you did it)

Logically, the "PM sent" should be required as a means of proof and status of sale.

I've been looking for an e2 at a good price for a while now...so crabapple, just a proposal, no feelings hurt if the answer is no, but would you be willing to let me take SerpantSlayer's as you are already in for Infinitus'?
Guys, I've deal with all of you in this thread before...

(Well aside from sergiomag him I don't know:p)

You're all upfront good guys, and I'm sure no one here is lying.

@xXDUNNXx if you want, I can sell you a SD301 classic 50mW to mod cheap? I feel bad you missed out on both of the WL E2's but unless crabapple backs out, he did pm first.

@crabapple - It's not really a requirement, but it is a good idea to drop a post for PM incoming to show that there is interest in the item.

@SerpantSlayer - It's a good idea on sales thread to keep them updated, as much as you can...

For example adding in Sold Pending Payment if someone committed but you're waiting on the money.

The older I get, the more clear it is to me how much simply communicating matters.

+Rep to all three of you.

Payment sent for your Wicked Laser.
Lol...I believe you SerpantSlayer!!

Sorry if I came off harsh Steve, I didn't know you had already been in contact with Serpant!

...BUT I also believe this forum needs some strict selling rules. I was saying if I didn't believe you, and I were some random person, I could go on and on and on and logically be right about the sale not being fair.

What the rule should be is, First to post "PM Sent" and PM the seller, wins. That way the mass of people can be updated on progress AND the seller can safely say "there is your proof" without getting accused of photoshop or editing the webpage before screenshot or one of many ways to fake the message(I trust you SerpantSlayer...not saying you did it)

Logically, the "PM sent" should be required as a means of proof and status of sale.

I've been looking for an e2 at a good price for a while now...so crabapple, just a proposal, no feelings hurt if the answer is no, but would you be willing to let me take SerpantSlayer's as you are already in for Infinitus'?

