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Foggy laser Beamshots !!!

Jun 6, 2014
The lasers used were 4 ebay 303 lasers and 2 200mw 650nm lasers from olike.

It really was not that dangerous to do this because the beams were gettting absorbed by the fog and were not even making it to a tree 200 feet away

20151214_004244 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151214_004633 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151214_004740 by Alex Littig, on Flickr

I put the Star lens on the 303 lasers for these shots. they came out pretty good :)

20151214_005147 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151214_005351 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151214_005632 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151214_005807 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151214_005959 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151214_010018 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151214_010047 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151214_010124 by Alex Littig, on Flickr

For good measure here is a beamshot of a dedome XPE2 Aspheric Mag that does about 200kcd and a M25c2vn Turbo with dedome XPG2 that does 775kcd

20151214_004913 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
20151214_010507 by Alex Littig, on Flickr
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That Maglite is quite the thrower, nice.

its very very focused lol but its only outputing maybe 100 lumens. the photos make the mag look more throwy then the other light but the m25c2vnt has 4 times the throw. my camera was set to auto exposure and because the mag is is relatively dim the camera over exposed the shot. the opposite happened to the m25c2vnt. 800 otf lumens so the camera kept the exposure down.
Nice looking photos with that star lens, Alex, especially those with the beams at 90° angles!
Really nice pics, still shows how fun these cheap 303s can be:)
