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FrozenGate by Avery

Fixing DX modehopping


Sep 10, 2007
i fixed my modehopping issues with a SPOOOON

dxtrue 100

it was pissing me off modehopping ( got a visual with a magnifiing glass at a distance from my wall) it was modehopping bad going into a 01 with no blank space then a hollow line then 3 latitudal areas (02?) and then going dim and settling at 01 with no blank space...

got pissed hit it with a spoon around the top and it improved a touch.. so i hammerd it a few times ( around 60-70 REALLY hard ones) which bent the silverbit ( bent it back with a few whacks to the front)
and now it sticks in tem00 only dropping into tem 01 when cold or low batts:P

how that for crystal realignment :):)

BUT focusing it ( didnt manage to either the glue was strong) i scratched the lens :( now i have a halo around my dot which is annoying and bleeds power but ah well... no difference for skyscanning ( very foggy in my city)

seems more like you had a halo round yourself with getting that to work but i doubt anyone will try this with their x105s etc ya lucky bugger
lol i dunno why it works i just must have beat the crystal back into place or slightly alligned them better like how ( forgot name) used a skeet launcer to fly a laser 100odd feet and fixed its problems
What do you got to loose, its from DX.

I would never buy a laser above 50mw from dx... Its just not worth the money because usually they will contain mode problems and be underpowered without an IR filter.
the untrues, yes. in my experience all the trues up to and including the 100 are ok. but the 100 less so.
...I am going to buy a DX laser soon just for the pump diode and driver (Yay for high powered 808nm burner!)

Whats the most mw for my money? I was looking at the dx not true green 50mw for $25.
the "true" part of a DX laser hasn't really proven to mean anything.
