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FrozenGate by Avery

First purchase from LPS 532's

May 30, 2016
I picked up some budget lasers from our newest site advertising Laser Pointer Store. This will be quick with pics.

Thor H 200mw 532nm laser




Pen LPM graphs.


I'm pretty happy with my purchase after contacting the company. I've come to expect issues like this with 532 pointers of this type. I was refunded a fair amount with the provided pic I've posted for you to see (I didn't actually ask for anything just presented the issue). An issue like this would make using a beam expander on the laser less than optimal. I hope they find a way to correct the alignment. The host is thread locked together. The glue gives off a strong smell when the end is opened up. Clean beam no side flash or artifacts. Still a good deal imo @ $70
I made a spacer for using 1 10440 cell instead of alkaline or 1.2v rechargeable. They work fine and are in good shape.

This thread was intended to give an example of the possible experience you may have with this company.
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That was a very thorough review of this 532nm DPSS laser. As you may have noticed, the key to having a good steady output from these lasers is temperature control. Even at the beginning of your readings you can see the power changing rather quickly as a function of time. Congratulations on your purchase and I hope you enjoy it for years to come.
Nice review and greatly appreciated:)
I am a bit confused though?:o Is the Thor fixed focused and that can't be the final lens your showing as it looks like the collominating lens?
Also is that extra sinking on the module or just part Thor's host?
Not bad at all for $70.00. Nice read. Like the shots of the graph. :gj:
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Nice review and greatly appreciated:)
I am a bit confused though?:o Is the Thor fixed focused and that can't be the final lens your showing as it looks like the collominating lens?
Also is that extra sinking on the module or just part Thor's host?

Ah your right I forgot to show the focus adapter and lens. I'm not sure what the lens in the pic is maybe IR filter or part of its attachment. I has a little clear spot in the middle. The 12mm module is pressed into a piece of aluminum. I couldn't tell you how long the aluminum piece is or how it's secured in the host or how much contact with the module it has. There is glue everywhere. I hope robots assemble these cause I can't imagine what kind of fumes the fresh stuff would give off. Best I can describe the smell....caustic industrial science.
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So it doesn't have that new car smell?:can: Glue everywhere huh!! First review iv'e seen that mentioned a smelly laser:crackup:
Ok, looks like it has some type of sinking..This unit is getting my attention but as its so "glued" together i'm guessing it would be hard to see if the driver is in anyway sinked.
Member Paul always sinks the 1W pump 532 modules driver and if someone were able to get it sinked i'm thinking it would help it run a touch more stable and longer
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It would be nice if they would sell the components al-la-cart, 532nm module, driver, thor housing, I would pay more just to put it together myself, but everything would be well heat sinked.
