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FrozenGate by Avery

First Laserpointer and a lot of Questions

Ohhh, that´s really ugly! Which engine is giving this translation? My English is not the best, but backwards it would give again the following:

Older versions of lasers take care, high pump lasers, where inverse, driven to, so lower power levels were reachable! This lasers can be driven cooking pot be at higher power niveau reachable, as they for... constructed for, is not the case any more.

Pohh, I stop here

German for "Run aways" - Deutsch für "Fortgeschrittene"



ohh sorry... I used google translator.. the first time then a random website for the other one.

i said it in english too.. so you can read that instead. LOL sorry for that :D
ohh sorry... I used google translator.. the first time then a random website for the other one.

i said it in english too.. so you can read that instead. LOL sorry for that :D

yea, google :whistle:

not a problem, i can read english, but writing in it, with the correct grammatik and this, this is my problem :D

and what is with the temp? :thinking:

Ich würde nicht unbedingt soeinen “billig”-Laserpointer bestellen ! Also um die 50-70€ sollte das ding schon liegen, da diese Art von pointern (aus Thailand) oftmals mit billig Kristallen hergestellt wurden und die die Lichtbrechung nicht optimal gewährleisten ! D.h. das auch sehr intensive Infrarot-Strahlungen gebrochen werden können die nicht gerade nur lineal nach vorne aus dem Pointer entweichen! Sprich dann geht mal eben so ein unsichtbarer Lichtimpuls von 655nm (auch quer) vorne raus, und der kann dich dann mit leichtigkeit blind machen !
In english:
The cheap Laserpointers have a very intensive IF-radiation how cans go out of the diode across (i hope that is the right word... when you hold the laser vertikal, the ir goes too horizontal!) and that is very dangerous!

can it make you blind?
eg. when you point at stomach that he can be blandet from the ir-rediation?
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Common sense is your friend. Direct exposure to the eye, with the beam is bad. IR lens can be bought for a few dollars if you wish.

Just use the rule, don't use indoors and don't shine it on reflective surfaces.
Common sense is your friend. Direct exposure to the eye, with the beam is bad. IR lens can be bought for a few dollars if you wish.

Just use the rule, don't use indoors and don't shine it on reflective surfaces.
sry, but i want to go sure!
and not use indoor? w i will beam on the school-blackboard, when the teacher explains what!

and where i can buy ir lens?

and what is with the cold temperatures?

Hey hey stop there. The Dealextreme true 50mW pointer is just THE SAME when it comes to power than the ledshope one. You guys in USA are buying from ledshope because they don't ship to you, but if the guy is in Austria buy on Dealextreme!

At 50mW you won't light matches, just some balloon poping but you can't expect anything else for that price.

This laser is the best for starters and I highly recommend you both the unit and the shop (Dealextreme). They are damn expensive and as long as you don't try to buy their 100mW+ pointers you will get the bang for the buck.

Be carefull to not point anyone's eyes when you doing that.

i will beam on the school-blackboard,

Also, bringing it to school is a really bad idea, if you touch anyone's eyes you can get them blind FOR LIFE, so take care.

answering your questions:

and where i can buy ir lens?

You don't need them. Really, ignore the people saying if you don't buy them you gonna die, I've never used them ;)

The cheap Laserpointers have a very intensive IF-radiation how cans go out of the diode across (i hope that is the right word... when you hold the laser vertikal, the ir goes too horizontal!) and that is very dangerous!

It's a common error to think this while it's completely false. Ir beam is just "bigger" than the green one, for example, at 1 meter, the green beam is 0.7cm then the IR one could be 1cm, but ofc pointing at the stomach won't blind you lol.

and what is with the cold temperatures?

Cold temperatures will make the power down, no matter what pointer you buy. Warm it in your hand and ready to go again :)

and not use indoor?

Indoor use is not recommended because there are a lot of reflective things (metallic pieces etc) that can reflect the beam back to someone's eyes. I already said bringing it to school is a bad idea.

Keep in mind that people don't understand the difference between this lasers and the classic red key chain pointers, so when you tell them "this is dangerous" they don't take you seriously. If you are really going to bring it to school, DON'T LET ANYONE TOUCH IT.

This being said, good luck ;)

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thanks very much, Hallucynogenyc!

ok, i wont take it to school, and i wont give it to my schoolkollegs!
i take it only with my, when i want make a beam, when the weather is foggy ;)

ok, i will take really care of it!

thanks :)

I don't know if your talking seriously or not, but if you're serious I'm glad you thinked about it twice.

I know if you want to bring a laser to school you'll do it regardless of what I or others say, but please beware with it, it's a dangerous toy.

Last my brother took one of my pointers (the same you want to buy), a DX true 50mW, and he went to school with it without telling me. Three hours later the school director called me and told me two idiots had taken it from my brother's hand and started pointing at other kids. Luckily the batteries were almost dead and no one was harmed, but since then my lasers are well hidden and no one except me touches them :D

