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FrozenGate by Avery



Jan 19, 2007
What are the main difference bwtween the 15mW EVO and the 15mW EXC from WL?

From what I can remember the exec. is supposed to have better divergence. If your looking to buy a 15mW laser it would pay to check some other Companies prices first.
I have always wanted an Evo
the casing is just so nice.

yea main difference is the beam diameter
the evo's beam is much thinner when it comes out of the hole but diverges quickly
the exec's beam is a bit fatter at the start but diverges less
well the execs are a bit umm 'stiffy' yeah thats the word! also the paintjob isnt so flash tends to flake off.. :-/
yes, essentially its all about the beam (and the case i guess haha) but the beam on the evo is made for burning so it has a very very small initial diameter but that will spread out very quickly. However, the exec has a fatter initial beam, not as good for burning, but it spreads out much slower so its better for pointing.
So in reality, what is the reason for the Evo 15mW? I don't consider a 15mW a burning laser, so why would somebody want to pay more for a non-burning laser with not as good divergence specs?
