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FrozenGate by Avery

ebay pointers


Sep 1, 2007
I have _no_ particulars regarding recent decreased availability of higher pwr laser pointers on ebay, but one possible consideration is that DX (dealextreme) has fairly decent green laser pointers up to 200mw (  :-? :) ;D ) at postpaid ( ;) ) prices tough to match anywhere, including ebay!   :) :)

mhouse974 said:
Also as a random question i've been looking on eBay for a green laser and it seems they don't sell 50mw 100mw or any green laser above 5mw on eBay any more. Would anyone have a clue as to what happened? did the US gov. finally ban powerful lasers from ebay? im lucky i got my 50mw green laser from ebay 2 months earlier
I just did a search there, "green laser 50mw -modify" and got some (also at 20mw and 10mw) ... don't know about the quality of products/service though... and it's a kick to see how often as the power rating goes up, the "shipping" cost goes up faster than the item price even though the hardware is the same size  ;)
modifying a 5mw laser to 50mw shortens the life, they used to sell 50mw greens on ebay without having to modify it now i was looking for a 100mw green on ebay and couldnt find it on ebay except in the international seller section.

Im going to check out Deal extreme now
If you go to eBay.ca or eBay.uk and login using your US based eBay account they still offer high power laser pointers.
USA eBay bans them now. Anything above 5mW. I tried to sell one of my 50 mW there a while back and it got removed. I did finally sell it though-just not on eBay!
Or if you want a really great deal on a high power one try this 200 mW from www.dealextreme.com
Free shipping also. Just make sure you use the free shipping and NOT the EMS because US customs take a closer look at the EMS packages.
I ordered one a while back and it is POWERFUL! Pops balloons, burns black tape, lights matches!
Sometimes they are out of stock but just sign up to be notified when they get more and they'll send you an email when back in stock.
Jump on it and order fast when you get the email because they run out of stock quickly.

It took about 2 weeks from order to arrival. Slow but worth it!

It's probably going to take more than two weeks from DX, and really DX is a gamble. Hemlock Mike just got a DX200 in the mail and it doesn't even work, so I'd be a little cautious getting one from DX.
seems like the 100mw greens have good feedback, i dont mind waiting 2 weeks if it works, and 100mw for $100 is a great deal, i paid $60 for my laser that was only a 50mw

I do hope it can light a match though :o

from the customer feedback on the Deal extreme website it seems that everyone is saying how high quality they are
ummmmm lets stop the just writing stuff now, and wouldn't it be better to actually say something realted to the topic?? anyway. :D
