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FrozenGate by Avery

DTR G8 Lens...???


Oct 3, 2021
I've purchased two diode packages from Dtr's Laser Shop... both of them with G8 lenses. If I'm correct, the G8 has a rather long focal length, which is what I want, however. Just 'what' does the 8 mean? For example. I'm currently having great fun in lighting matches, at ever increasing distances... and 'now' wanting to find out just how far I can actually go, in distance, until the match 'no longer light'. Same with bursting balloons. I hear that balloons are easier to burst than matches are to light, so I should be able to get a bit more range on balloons, I'm thinking. I know that the power of the laser is a major factor, but power is not what I'm really looking for. I'm just wanting to learn how to properly use optics, to properly focus a laser, for 'any' level of power, and achieve its maximum effective distance, while also experiencing the least amount of losses along the way. DTR's G8 is a good start, because that is what I currently have on hand. Once again. "What does the '8' mean? Is there anything better than G8 for even 'longer' distances, regardless of power?

Pretty sure the G7 had an even longer focal length than the G8, so focal length is probably out of the question. I am not aware of any significance the G-number has aside of it being a name.

If you're looking to focus farther away, beam expanders are probably what you want to start with.

If you consider basically hooking a telescope on top of your laser cheating, you'll find plenty of comparison threads between our common lenses if you search the forum. There is no 'one size fits all', case and point is the 2E lens for multimode 520nm diodes. In that vein, you can use fast axis correction optics on multimode diodes to tame the line into something more manageable, though alignment is tricky and we rarely see it used in handhelds.
A beam expander is good for balloon popping......and don't forget to wear your laser safety glasses when appropriate.

A beam expander is good for balloon popping......and don't forget to wear your laser safety glasses when appropriate.

I followed your ebay link and now have the beam expander saved in my 'watchlist'. Thanks, again!
I've also noticed that you like to experiment with things. Have you ever messed around with 'bench-mounted' DIY beam expanding systems, using various optic lenses? I've nothing against professionally made devices, but DIY is always a lot of fun! I wouldn't mind tinkering with the DIY element, provided it can be done, with descent results, via typical hobbyist methods and less than 'Lab' perfect equipment requirements.
You can do most anything you want as long as it's still legal and you do it safely, much can be done with repurposed/substitute materials and common tools, but sometimes you will need to buy unique/specialty items and implements, experimenting and building your own equipment can be a lot of fun, learning is what it's all about, start by reading so you can understand what you need then have fun, but remember to wear your laser safety glasses and lase safely.
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