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dream lasers

I vote blue (473nm), because it's a wonderful sapphire-like colour. I have never seen one in real life, but in all the pics there are, it looks friggin' awesone. 8-)

A handheld 1 watt blue for $100 is my dream, but it will most likely not come true in a looooooong time. :(


I'd love to have 10 silver kenbarrels, each with
808nm NIR,
635nm red,
593.5nm yellow,
555nm lime green,
532nm green,
500nm sky blue,
473nm blue,
450nm indigo,
405nm violet,
and 300nm UV.

Five watts of each, with TEC cooling somehow (except for the IR, that can be 50W). And a little dial on each so I can turn it down to 1W, or 500mW, or 100mW, 5mW if necessary. I know it seems silly, but sometimes you don't want to burn through the screen when making a presentation.
VillageIdiot said:

I'd love to have 10 silver kenbarrels, each with
808nm NIR,
635nm red,
593.5nm yellow,
555nm lime green,
532nm green,
500nm sky blue,
473nm blue,
450nm indigo,
405nm violet,
and 300nm UV.

Five watts of each, with TEC cooling somehow (except for the IR, that can be 50W). And a little dial on each so I can turn it down to 1W, or 500mW, or 100mW, 5mW if necessary. I know it seems silly, but sometimes you don't want to burn through the screen when making a presentation.

If I had the choice between winning that set of lasers, or just half of the costs of producing them, I'd choose the latter  ;). (My obsession to the hobby does have its limits surprisingly! [you gotta be able to afford to eat first before you can enjoy your lasers])
VillageIdiot said:
Frothy, how much does this cost? The whole forum can pool our money to buy it.

GLL bought one of the 20W versions IIRC and I think I have a beampic somewhere lost on my harddrive from a 40W or something. From what I remember, the prices were actually pretty reasonable for that much power, but then again its a quasi-CW, not CW, so its a bit more difficult to incorporate into lasershow stuff. As far as higher power greens go, that unit is actually kinda on the low end in terms of both power and quality (cost too though!)
climbak, as a fellow physics nerd, I figured you'd be as anal as me about the use of the word "purple". But its okay, I know you meant violet, a purple laser would just be silly  ;) (I'm picky when people quote the colors of the rainbow too using "purple". Just a dumb physics person being a pain in the ass, but technically purple is a non-spectral color [ie, cannot be summed up by a simple xxx nm number] and wouldn't be found in the rainbow. Purple is a combo of red and blue light)

That rant aside, I'd choose the most powerful UV/violet! Probably nowhere near as powerful as some of the units in the IR range, but it would be a lot more useful!

PS: sorry for the triple post but I figured each post was on a distinct enough topic that shoving them into a single reply would just result in parts getting overlooked.
pseudonomen137 said:
If I had the choice between winning that set of lasers, or just half of the costs of producing them, I'd choose the latter ;). (My obsession to the hobby does have its limits surprisingly! [you gotta be able to afford to eat first before you can enjoy your lasers])

Hey, use lazors until you're sick of them , then sell them off for reasonable prices! Wonder how much a 5W yellow portable will go for.

Course the problem with my plan is that you'll never get sick of them =D

also, holy triple post batman!
I voted "purple" or violet for the awesome colour and you can manipulate the dot to any colour you want! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
pseudonomen137 said:
climbak, as a fellow physics nerd, I figured you'd be as anal as me about the use of the word "purple".
Haha, I hadn't even noticed that. I selectively looked for blue and then just clicked that one.
I've never seen this color, but I'd like a high powered 488nm laser!
Here's what 488nm looks like.

having a white is indeed combined of all the colors. what IF there was a white laser diode??? its like dividing by zero, you cant even comprehend what wavelength it would be.
mikeeey said:
having a white is indeed combined of all the colors. what IF there was a white laser diode??? its like dividing by zero, you cant even comprehend what wavelength it would be.

Why not? You could work a diode out to get white laser light (not purely one diode, but you could stuff 3 diodes in there and make one tiny diode...) maybe some time from now .. ::) ::)

Oh...and @VI&@climbak: dude that is SO AWESOME! I WANT IT!
VillageIdiot said:
[quote author=climbak link=1213836580/24#25 date=1214197741]Here's what awesome looks like.

fixed it for ya
Haha, I'm a terrible speller so thanks for fixing my egregious error. :)

nikokapo said:
Oh...and @VI&@climbak: dude that is SO AWESOME! I WANT IT!
If you want it, you should by it. You know you want to. I'll make you a deal .;)
nikokapo said:
[quote author=mikeeey link=1213836580/24#27 date=1214257480]having a white is indeed combined of all the colors. what IF there was a white laser diode??? its like dividing by zero, you cant even comprehend what wavelength it would be.

Why not? You could work a diode out to get white laser light (not purely one diode, but you could stuff 3 diodes in there and make one tiny diode...) maybe some time from now .. ::) ::)

Oh...and @VI&@climbak: dude that is SO AWESOME! I WANT IT![/quote]
but that is still combining each color, you can see each individual color if you look close, i mean, WHITE. just white, a single wavelength. lol
mikeeey said:
[quote author=mikeeey link=1213836580/24#27 date=1214257480]
but that is still combining each color, you can see each individual color if you look close, i mean, WHITE. just white, a single wavelength. lol
are you kidding, or serious? just in case: there is no "white" wavelength, what we perceive as white is just the way our brains and sensors interpret a multitude of incoming wavelengths combined.

There are white lasers - the one I know about accomplishes it by constantly frequency-shifting, so it is 'white' when averaged over even very small timespans. That one is referenced somewhere on LPF, sorry I don't remember the link to it... but Google laser and "supercontinuum".
