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FrozenGate by Avery

Direct 1064nm dpss pumping? Questions


Feb 13, 2015
I need to make (because buying is out of the question, price is way too high) an insanely powerful green dpss module for lightshows, and I've found something very interesting on ebay - DIRECT 3w 1064nm c-mount diode.

Here are my questions:

Those diodes are real or is it just scam?
With 1064 nm 3w output, after frequency doubling, I think I could achieve over 1 watt of green, possibly more - but will it work properly? This diode has +/- 5 nm 'offshot', does it mean it will be all frequency doubled (so after ktp we get like 532,533,531,534 all together).

And the last thing - is it a good idea?

Won't work. The power density for doubling in KTP or another doubling crystal needs to be much higher than what you can achieve using a non-corrected, non-stabilized (both more expensive than high power DPSS) diode. It has been tried before, but even with a single mode diode it's reaaally difficult to get it to work, with quite low efficiencies. Definitely not the way to go. If you need a high power green laser, get a 520nm diode one. Much cheaper.
