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Diffuse Reflections


New member
Mar 18, 2023
Hi all,

I recently purchased a Thor M2 laser off of eBay and I couldn't find any answers directly related to the question I have so I'm posting this to get clarification. The Thor M2 is spec'd at <2000mw of power with a wavelength of 450nm. I have a pair of Eagle Pair OD6 glasses that I wear every time I use this laser. However, these goggles seem to let a bit of light in under them that I can see when looking down at my shirt. My question is, is it safe to look at the light that has been diffused onto my clothing? It's often bright, but it's never hurt my eyes nor have I ever had any spots from it. For reference, I'm usually within a meter of the surface that I'm shining the laser against (I'm usually burning things). The goggles should save me from any specular/diffused reflection directly into my eyes, but what about a reflection of a reflection?

Thanks all.

Sep 20, 2013
Diffuse light reflections will not harm your eyes like specular reflections can and do. In fact when using any of my lasers to burn wood, something I haven't done in years, I never used protective goggles. Actually, the only time I do use them is when setting up laser optics where specular reflections are possible.
