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FrozenGate by Avery

Deal Extreme modules?

May 21, 2013
Hey everyone,

Anyone know if Deal Extreme's modules are any good? For $23.77, a 200mW 532nm module seems too good to be true. The reviews seem positive overall but doesn't seem like anyone has real experience with lasers.

I came across this because I was looking for some complete modules I could buy in bulk around that output, maybe other suggestions?

Would love to hear your guy's thoughts.
200mW 532nm Green Laser Module (3V 11.9mm) - Free Shipping - DealExtreme


Hey everyone,

Anyone know if Deal Extreme's modules are any good? For $23.77, a 200mW 532nm module seems too good to be true. The reviews seem positive overall but doesn't seem like anyone has real experience with lasers.

I came across this because I was looking for some complete modules I could buy in bulk around that output, maybe other suggestions?

Would love to hear your guy's thoughts.
200mW 532nm Green Laser Module (3V 11.9mm) - Free Shipping - DealExtreme


Get one from Techhood--members have had good luck with them being what they say they are: see 532nm 200mW Green Laser DOT Module/3.7-4.2V/Green Laser Diode Module/Green Laser | eBay
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I used to do good with LaserLands but it's been a while, I would buy from SANWU, otherwise Techhood is cool and read the specs, 700ma is about right if the crystal is efficent, but the 100mw 532nm is just about as good at 650ma input, I would go with the 100mw.

This is the best deal for a real 100mw > https://www.sanwulasers.org/product/304green

532nm 100mW Green Laser Module/3.7V-4.2V/Green Laser Diode Module | eBay

532nm 200mW Green Laser Diode Module | eBay

I qgree the 100mW is just as good and a lot cheaper--the 200mW is not much brighter
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the suggestions!

I completely forgot about Sanwu. That guys got some insanely awesome prices! :beer:
Try Aptlightingworld also..
Member Paul who might chime in set one up for me at 190mw..It runs a 1W diode and the driver has to be sinked as well..
Just curious if youv'e given up on Fasttech's 532's?
I just checked out Aptlightingworld... Definitely going to go through the whole shop right now.

Makes me wonder how many more stores are out there I don't know about, I got to dig deeper into the forum... Thanks GSS! :thinking:
Don't know anything about the modules offered on Deal Extreme. The Fasttech modules are cheap, but only have a 500 mW pump diode in it and can put out anywhere from 50 mW to 80 mW of 532nm green laser light. I purchase a half dozen 200 mW modules from Aptlightingworld about three or more years ago and went through their sales engineer named Lily at the time. Got them for about $30.00 each, when they were going for twice that amount. If you have a LPM and can measure the output, you might want to order one from Deal Extreme to see if they are actually putting out that much power.

I can tell you that all of these seem to use the same driver and on the 1 watt pump diode ones you will need to heat sink the output transitor as it will run very hot, and also heat sink the module for the pump diode.
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Places like DealExtreme look like they sell cheap junk to me.

A few years ago I bought a large number of diode drivers from Aptlightingworld and they provided a connector with wires on it, red was negative, black positive. Then I bought some 300 mw red laser diodes mounted in a heat sink with driver, turned out to be 100 mw. I stopped buying from them after that. Maybe they have turned around and started to get it right. Some of the problems might be who they are buying stuff from, misrepresenting the true power and their not checking, I don't know. The wiring problem could have got me, good thing I checked before powering.
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My experience with Aptlightingworld is limited to some 532nm DPSS laser modules and little else. I went through eBay the first time, but after receiving their email address with my first purchase, I contacted them outside of eBay. Haven't purchased from them in a number of years now.
On the topic of DX I know they are on the hot list and don't ship any pointer over 5mw to the US. Can they still ship modules without much worry?
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Everything I know about them is from their product pages.... but it seems like there shouldn't be a problem, the "200mw" module has free shipping to US like the 5mw pointers.

I might buy 1 module and I'll let you guys know how it is... Maybe I'll pick one up from else where like Aptlightingworld and compare them.
Everything I know about them is from their product pages.... but it seems like there shouldn't be a problem, the "200mw" module has free shipping to US like the 5mw pointers.

I might buy 1 module and I'll let you guys know how it is... Maybe I'll pick one up from else where like Aptlightingworld and compare them.
So the modules from DX don't lock you out when trying to buy from the US like the pointers?
Buying from both to compare for the forum:beer::)
