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FrozenGate by Avery

Data on Osram PLT5-510?


May 5, 2010
Anyone have power vs. current data for the PLT5-510 diode from Osram? I did some heavy searching and only found passing mention of this diode, but it seems to be single mode (though low power), and I plan on making an RGB laser with one of these, an SOC red, and a PL-450B blue (which I found plenty of data on). Right now it looks like my build will be power limited by the PLT5-510 unless it can do much higher than the datasheet says (here: http://www.osram-os.com/Graphics/XPic9/00206515_0.pdf/PLT5 510.pdf). Closest I can find is data on its 30mW cousin the (older?) JLD5130A-O1Y, which can do ~100mW comfortably. Seems like based on that info the PLT5-510 might do up to ~30mW? Just don't want to kill my new 510 diode after its 15 day trip from China :)

I will be doing a testing thread on them just as soon as I get caught up. They do seem very bright for 10mW just the few times I have powered them. They are also case positive unlike the 30mW and 50mW PL520 diodes which are case neutral so somthing to keep in mind when working out a driver and mounting. If you can hold out for the weekend I should have the tests up here and on my webstore page for them.
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I will be doing a testing thread on them just as soon as I get caught up. They do seem very bright for 10mW just the few times I have powered them. They are also case positive unlike the 30mW and 50mW PL520 diodes which are case neutral so somthing to keep in mind when working out a driver and mounting. If you can hold out for the weekend I should have the tests up here and on my webstore page for them.

Cool, I'll look forward to that. Still waiting on receiving the diode so no worries on waiting.
