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FrozenGate by Avery

Custom laser goggles?

Nov 24, 2014
Anybody ever seen or tried these on ebay?
Copper Steampunk Style Laser Safety Googles 405nm 445nm 532nm 650nm US Seller | eBay

I have some of the eagle vision from survival as the backup pair, but seeing these welding goggles with custom "laser filters" really look appetizing.

Many places sell the film for under 200 per square foot. at a 2 inch diameter, one should extract 18 pair lenses, so the price point seems about right.

Call me a skeptic, but I figured I'd crowd source these first, as I'm sure I'm not the first to see these.

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Wow these look good, several red and green filters. Someone needs to buy these and test them though before we trust them, they aren't high priced so I wouldn't immediately just trust them.

They look interesting. I bought a pair. I also have an LPM. Will attempt non-destructive testing.
Item location: Midlothian, Virginia, United States
That's 10-15 minutes down the road I could have checked it out in person if they were willing but it looks like you guys beet me to it.
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How are glasses tested?

I have the standard welding goggle frame, and I know the green lenses they come with block both UV and IR. I noticed however, that when I put the glass lens on top of the laser itself (445 nichia 3W) and took a photo, the beam was gone, but the "dot" was still visible. Through the eyewear I have, it goes from seen, to barely seen.
I plan to defocus a laser so it is under the thermopile maximum power density spec and trust that it is also well under the damage threshold for the lens (unless I can find a spec on that). Then measure the power using a LaserBee AX3 LPM (5W) with and without the glasses. The measurement with the glasses has the laser pointed to the outside and measured coming from the inside.

Since each OD is a factor of 10 and the LaserBee AX3 can detect 1mW up to 5200mW in 1mW steps, with ideal 'loading' (for lack of a better word) I expect to be able to detect a range of up to ~3.5 ODs
I plan to defocus a laser so it is under the thermopile maximum power density spec and trust that it is also well under the damage threshold for the lens (unless I can find a spec on that). Then measure the power using a LaserBee AX3 LPM (5W) with and without the glasses. The measurement with the glasses has the laser pointed to the outside and measured coming from the inside.

Since each OD is a factor of 10 and the LaserBee AX3 can detect 1mW up to 5200mW in 1mW steps, with ideal 'loading' (for lack of a better word) I expect to be able to detect a range of up to ~3.5 ODs

my means of testing for UV involved de-focusing the laser, shining it through the lens at my GITD powder, and checking to see if it glowed. The glow wasn't noticeable, but only in the dark.
Item location: Midlothian, Virginia, United States
That's 10-15 minutes down the road I could have checked it out in person if they were willing but it looks like you guys beet me to it.

Wouldn't be a bad idea though. He posted no specific specs, but it would be nice to know if he got the filters from a credible company. For all we know, the photos are the only basis for his tests, or maybe he works for a company or lab that uses this film.
my means of testing for UV involved de-focusing the laser, shining it through the lens at my GITD powder, and checking to see if it glowed. The glow wasn't noticeable, but only in the dark.

I use a UV flashlight to find cat pee. We lured a feral cat into our kitchen to catch it and get him fixed. He peed a lot. We thought we cleaned everything but could still smell it. After doing some research we discovered that body fluids fluoresce when exposed to UV light.

So I suppose one could use pee (or another body fluid) as a UV detector as well. :barf:

:thinking: Your way is better.
