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FrozenGate by Avery

Custom Hosts Feeler...

Feb 7, 2017
Hi guys.

i noticed that there were a dramatic drop in custom designed host compare to previous years.

Well i can't build custom host manually, However i know a manufacturer who could make hosts out of CAD and engineering drawing...

Does any member here have experience with CAD?

this manufacturer works with aluminium,copper,titanium,brass and stainless steel.

I've been making hosts for months now, there's no shortage of product. Lots of custom orders.

I do work with CAD. What's your idea?
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I can vouch that ElectricPlasma makes some wonderful hosts. I'd recommend him to anyone searching for a nice laser host:)
Hi guys.

i noticed that there were a dramatic drop in custom designed host compare to previous years.

Well i can't build custom host manually, However i know a manufacturer who could make hosts out of CAD and engineering drawing...

Does any member here have experience with CAD?

this manufacturer works with aluminium,copper,titanium,brass and stainless steel.

An OK idea but there are thousands of machine shops that can do that---is nothing special.

Everyone is probably better off going with a known LPF member host maker like ElectricPlasma
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something like this:


and seeing how lpf members can be really creative when it come to stuff like host.

this manufacturer offer bulk pricing and i'm thinking:

lpf members get to have their dream host (that are far too complex and costly for manual labour) while i get a discount on my order.

win win situation.

Also i've been trying to get in touch with Olympus Mons who was the owner of the CAd file for this design but i have no luck. Any of you guys here has been in touch with him recently?
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something like this:
and seeing how lpf members can be really creative when it come to stuff like host.

this manufacturer offer bulk pricing and i'm thinking:

lpf members get to have their dream host (that are far too complex and costly for manual labour) while i get a discount on my order.

win win situation.

Also i've been trying to get in touch with Olympus Mons who was the owner of the CAd file for this design but i have no luck. Any of you guys here has been in touch with him recently?

Everything is possible in imagination---not so in the real world.

It is not a win win --it is a stupid stupid situation with complete unknowns.

Nobody is going to fund a daydream marketing business for you to make a few pennys about imagined product that does not exist. Not from an unnamed unknown "manufacturer" via a new unknown member, unknown name, from an unknown place with no track record other than couple of posts on a forum --get a grip. Nothing with nothing is still nothing.

Every shop and manufacturer on the planet offers lower/discount prices/ bulk discount prices. There are thousands of them literally. Is nothing uncommon in any way.

Bulk prices if they can produce a CAD file? Anyone who can produce a CAD file also knows how shop it for a quote to any one of thousandsof machine shops for a price on 1 or more. :crackup:

Come back when you have evidence of something other than hot air, make believe, and a desire to make some money at the expense of LPF members and qualify to put something in the Buy, Sell, and Trade subforum.
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I suggest to find custom Mech Mod + 510 Module from DTR if that kind of host you are dreaming of..



There is insanely amount good looking Mech Mods on the interweb.





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Rep to Arctic dude.

This is how you get your "Dream" laser at whole sale prices "Planck662607004x1042m2kgs"
