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FrozenGate by Avery

Custom guide rod laser

Dec 3, 2011
Can anyone make a custom guide rod laser in 532nm or 445nm(yes i know green would be ideal for brightness, dpss might not fit, and blue would be cooler) similar to the one seen here:
Lasermax Guide Rod Laser

And, if this is possible, what would be a guesstimated cost? :thinking:

Not going to happen in 532 nm or 445nm. Only reason why red works is that you can use 3.3mm diodes to miniaturize the guide rod laser....
Not going to happen in 532 nm or 445nm. Only reason why red works is that you can use 3.3mm diodes to miniaturize the guide rod laser....

Thats a bummer, thanks for the info. Hopefully Soraa (or any other company) makes a green (tiny) diode soon :whistle:
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Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to bump this thread...

Isn't the single mode 445 diode only 3.8mm? Is that still too large? Sorry for the uneducated questions..
But all the modules that I know of to hold these diodes have a OD of 12mm

But would the module need to be that large if the diode is only set to 5mW or so? I know they are made to fit the aixiz lens and such, could a custom lens work, or would a tiny red lens work that they currently use for the 3.3mm diodes? since we're not trying to have maximum power, just minimal size?
Just measured the guide rod on my 1911, and it's 7.72mm or .304 inches. The P226 is a little bigger at .310" (I looked it up.) I suppose a custom job for a 445nm guide rod set up would be possible, but costly. Remember, you'd have to have diode, optics, batteries and switch crammed up in there, and it would have to be solid and robust enough to survive repeated recoil.

The best way to do it might be to buy the Lasermax system and send it to someone with some mad building skills to mod it. Remember that the power requirements of 445s are different from reds. It would probably require a custom driver (direct drive from an appropriate number of button cells might work, but for how long?)

And on top of all that, keep in mind if you shoot dirty ammo, you can count on wiping your emitter window every few rounds.

I'm sure it could be done, just not cheaply or easily.
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You make some good points. This is something I would love to see done, and would be willing to pay someone to make it for me. However, I think spending $400 on a Lasermax and then modify it may not be the best path to take.
As far as keeping in clean, would a small hood sticking out slightly over the guide rod/lens be sufficient? Something similar to a traffic light like this?

This seems to me that is would need to be custom machined from scratch. If anyone is willing to take this on, and make a high enough quality product to withstand repeated recoil, I would love to discuss.
I forgot to mention, you need to figure a way to turn it on and off easily. From the pictures, it looks like the LaserMax uses a modified slide stop with a cam to depress a switch on the back of the guide rod. The switch wouldn't need to be anything special, beyond being generally robust. As long as the cam is in position, the pressure of the recoil spring would hold the switch rearward. A simple momentary would probably suffice.

Or, it might be possible to go a completely different route, such as a twisty type switch. You could have a small tab coming off the end of the rod, or rig it to work with a wrench. Depending on your intentions (target shooting, personal defense, etc,) you could have it so you lock the slide open and fiddle with the rod to turn it on. Not ideal if defense is your intention, though.

As far as the dirty ammo fouling the lens, I'm not sure a shroud would make much difference. When I shoot Winchester White Box through my .45, I can expect heavy fouling a couple of inches up the slide from the muzzle. That crap flies everywhere. It wipes off easily enough though. Also, if you're shooting 9mm, that's a whole lot less powder being burnt per round, so fouling might not be as big of an issue.
This would be for personal defense/quick target acquisition/intimidation more so than target practice. I would prefer a click on/click off type switch, rather that momentary.
This is getting more complicated by the minute :(

I shoot .40, just for clarification on the powder issue.

Still looking for more thoughts and input, this would be a really neat project for someone with the proper tools/skills, unlike myself :whistle:
*Putting a DIY home brew guide rod into a gun that you use for self defense is a bad idea.*

But anyway...

Even with an used example to reverse engineer, this will be an incredibly difficult thing to pull off.

Recoil rods are subjected to huge forces... The diode and electronics are probably potted in epoxy. I do know that they are not user adjustable for windage or elevation. They must be sent back to the factory to change point of aim.

Have you contacted LaserMax about them installing a custom diode for you? They not only have all the proper tools, but the necessary experience and understanding to pull this off.

Who knows, maybe your request will be the start of a new product line and they will give you one free as a thank you gift.:beer:
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I would prefer a click on/click off type switch, rather that momentary.

Clarification: I was just saying the switch COULD be momentary, if the mechanical means to depress it is constant (the cam on the slide stop in the lasermax system.) You might see if they'll sell you just the slide stop if you decide to do a custom build with the switch to the rear (basically a lasermax clone.)
You make several good points.

Understood, its cool, I was just saying I would prefer click on/off.

I think I will try to contact LaserMax and see what they have to say. Thanks for your input on this.
If peteschlabar really wants to go the DIY route...
All it needs is to be a different color... and crammed into a guide rod so that it is set at the proper point of aim and secured against recoil... with a battery and switch.... but mostly the OP would like it to be green or blue.
Just sayin'...

PS It looks like TJ might have been implying that LaserMax was using a similar module in the current product.

From the LaserMax web site:

Laser Operating Temperature: 15°-120° F

Wavelength: 635nm (red-orange)

Power Output: 5mW (brightest available - blinks for highest visibility)

Spot size: at 7 yds 5/16”, spot size at 25 yds 3/4”.
If any firearm has been ported, fluted or compensated either by the original manufacturer or by a gunsmith, LaserMax will NOT guarantee alignment. Custom alignment quotes for firearms may be obtained by calling LaserMax.

red-orange beam for civilian, law enforcement and military. IR available to qualified
LE/MIL only. "
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