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FrozenGate by Avery

CTL-DCM needs repair?

Dec 14, 2016
Got one of these on ebay for $125+$25sh.

It looks like to me that the red and green lasers that make up the yellow beam are not aiming and creating a red/green beam. Also, seeing videos of the unit on youtube, I think that perhaps the lenses aren't lining up with each other like intended to form their patterns.

Is there a way for me to easily open the case and work on the mirrors' and lasers' adjustment?

Thanks for any help!
Happy holidays!

- Noah

They're usually epoxied in place at that price point. You can break the epoxy and realign and re-glue the dichroic mirror to perfect alignment, but it may take practice. You may want to consider installing an adjustable mount to make the alignment process easier.
Do you have a link to the product? Pictures showing the issue you're having? This information will help troubleshoot the issue.

Cyps post is probably accurate, but I'd like to double check.

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Here is the ad - RGYV 4 Lens 360mW DMX DJ Laser Stage Light Club Party Lighting projector Show | eBay

The issue is that the yellow beam looks like a green and red right next to each other.

I tried opening up the case just now and the red diode is at fault I'm pretty sure. The other beams hit their reflecting mirror in the middle. The secondary red one strikes off center above the green. There are two screws that allow me to alter the diode's placement. I got it to move closer to the middle, but still not quite merging with green before the mirror.
Yes, the alignment is out. As is common with these cheap units, even when new. Thanks, just wanted to confirm. Cyp was correct, at least partially.

You are correct - the green and red beams need to be right on top of eachother where they meet on the combining (dichroic) mirror. The mirror is then adjusted so that the beams line up in the far field.

This video may be helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-v5tiS23A
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