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FrozenGate by Avery

Combining 2 2.5W greens with PBS cube

Jul 3, 2007
So I was wondering if one were to combine 2 1.5W green beams together with a PBS cube would it make much of a difference in brightness or just give it more burning power?
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Two 2.5W green beams, wow. Are they 532nm?
I just used a 1100mW 532nm several hours ago and that is super bright. A total of 5W must be absolutely incredible!!!
4.25 watts of 532nm into a layer of light fog

The strongest 532nm I have personally seen is 1100mW and it is amazing.
@ Ultron = The laser in the picture appears to be a labby or else Alaskan uses some serious heat sinks on his hand held lasers!! :D :D
4.25 watts of 532nm into a layer of light fog


Pretty cool when you think about the 15-20w pump diode in that unit....mmm 20watts

It would be so cool to mount that laser on a tripod and then fly up and around that beam with a camera drone, eventually if your drone had the range you would get into a big green cloud until you panned around and saw the source.

Is that laser for sale Alaskan?
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Read about polarizing and non polarizing beam splitter/combiner cubes and 1/2 wave plates, if you do it right your beam will be nearly twice as powerful and look brighter, but double power will not give you double brightness as perceived by your view of the beam.
Read about polarizing and non polarizing beam splitter/combiner cubes and 1/2 wave plates, if you do it right your beam will be nearly twice as powerful and look brighter, but double power will not give you double brightness as perceived by your view of the beam.

^^^^ What this guy said :D
The rule of thumb is 4 times the power is twice the brightness. 2 times the power is therefore ~40% brightness increase (√2).
I knew 4 times the power is ~ twice the brightness from years ago but I did not know if a PBS cube would affect that any. I guess not. Thanks for the confirmation :gj:
