Hi guys and girls. Just trying to get my head around the idea of laser power and class. Long story short I was arrested here in Australia and one of the charges I am facing is possession of a restricted weapon. When the cop interviewed me he asked if I knew what kind of laser I had and I replied "Yeh, a green one" he said "no, it's a class 3"
Now, I picked this thing up on ebay and as far as I can remember it doesn't have any markings on it stating anything of the sort. My argument is, and this is basically what I want to confirm, that all green lasers are not class 3, and all class 3 lasers are not necessarily green. Am I correct in this statement?
In my trial (set for March next year) I am going to have the lawyer ask if they have tested it to work out the wattage, and if they haven't, how they can say it's a class 3. Do I have a leg to stand on, or am I pissing against the wind.
Thanks for your time.