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FrozenGate by Avery

Cheap Amazon Goggles, will they protect me?

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I think they will do for a cheap green but I heard that Uvex changed their formula and that they don't protect against 405-532nm light as well as they used to. If you ever decide to go with higher power 445nm lasers than definitely get the eagle pair from survivallaser as CheesyWalnut recommended.
I bought these goggles on Amazon. Uvex S1933X Skyper Safety Eyewear, Black Frame, SCT-Orange UV Extreme Anti-Fog Lens - Amazon.com

Will these protect me from my cheap eBay 532nm laser? I want to protect my eyes so that I can burn stuff with it. I am 17 years old and would rather not lose my eye sight.

Thanks for the help guys.

The Uvex really should only be used for violet and blue. There are some other cheap glasses on Amazon that will protect for green. The problem is that cheap 532nm are seldom IR filtered so there isn't really any cheap safety glasses that are as good as what you should have. Get some Eagle Pair if you can afford it, if you must have something cheap then try these:
HDE® Laser Eye Protection Safety Glasses Goggles for Green Blue Lasers W/ Free Hard Case - Amazon.com

