Not useless nitpicking like this
No need to get testy. I'm not picking on you or attacking your background - thus my "no offense" comment. You asked for help understanding something. Your explanation of your background suggested that you would be familiar with certain concepts, yet your questions suggested maybe a refresher was in order. While it may not matter what
I think, it does matter what people in general think when you are soliciting their help. If the impression they get of you conflicts with how you are trying to present yourself you are less likely to get the help you want. In this case other responses may have given you the information you were after in spite of this, and that's fine, but I'd hope that you could use the additional info to improve future communication as opposed to lashing out at it as useless nitpicking.
I also never said I had a class 2 at two watts
the class two 2s I've been using the demand around 3.0-3.5 @ around 700mA
I think if you try multiplying 3 volts by 700 mA, you will find that indeed you
did say you have a class 2 drawing over 2 watts. As I said, this seems extremely high for a laser that would be putting out less than 1 mW of optical power, so you might want to either double check your measurements, or consider the possibility that the laser is much more powerful than you realized (also acknowledging that it could in fact be a
very inefficient diode that converts 99.95% of what you input into heat)
Let's not get off to a bad start here. I like to be of help to those that can use it, be it related to laser building, conceptual understanding, social skills or otherwise. Please don't stomp off all upset just because I might happen to sound condescending from time to time - that would be my own lack of social skills at work.