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Buying high MW laser.

Mar 15, 2012
I will only buy from trusted sellers of course. You must reside within the United States.

Looking for anything over 1W or 2W. Just post your thread or post what you have and or message me and I'll see what I want.

I don't want the color red.

I'm pretty sure you won't find any MegaWatt (MW) Lasers for
sale here on the Forum....:whistle:

I suggest you do a little reading on the Forum to bring yourself
up to speed...:D

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Oh my bad I haven't been into lasers in 2-3 years.

I meant Watt and by MW I didn't mean Mega I meant Milli.
Oh my bad I haven't been into lasers in 2-3 years.

I meant Watt and by MW I didn't mean Mega I meant Milli.

So you were into Lasers when you were 15 years old...
What type of Laser Safety Goggles/Glasses do you

You can change your Thread title by going to [Edit] then
[Go Advanced] and editing your title...

you better be careful with >1W-2W
they can put your eye out, literally:yabbem:
