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FrozenGate by Avery

Buying green laser

May 4, 2015

Does anyone own this particular laser and would you recommend it. The reviews on the site are good but would like an opinion apart from their website.

I myself don't own a optotronics laser but from the reviews I've seen about them on here members are never disappointed when they get theirs.

I wouldnt buy a pen laser with 100mw or more, crappy duty cycles and u cant focus the beam, but if u just want a point and shoot its alright i guess.
Several members here own one and there are a few reviews about them. Unlike many other pointers, this one will actually last long. It's a good quality unit and you really can't go wrong with anything from Optotronics. I'm considering getting one too, probably the 175mW version. It's nice to have an easy to carry laser with a pretty decent power output.

What I mostly like about it is that it looks like a cheap chinese laser while it actually is a high quality pointer.

A few reviews here:

Optotronics Premium +120mW Green Laser Pen
Optotronics Premium +150mW Green Laser Pen (exact same title but different review)
Optotronics 120mW 532nm ''green pen'' review
Optotronics 100mW Green Laser Review!
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I don't have that particular one, but I do have the +10mW. I would recommend it. The outputs are always measured with an LPM before it's sent out and mine came in at 18mW.

Can you give the link of the 10mW one that you have? Is it safe enough to use without goggles, and can you see the beam? Thanks!
Can you give the link of the 10mW one that you have? Is it safe enough to use without goggles, and can you see the beam? Thanks!

10mW of 532nm green will have a visible beam in the dark or in very dim light but you may be disappointed with it, if you want a good visible beam you will want more power than that. Yes 10mW is safe without goggles, but not if you take a direct hit in the eye. Anything over 5mW and your blink reflex won't save you, so don't let it reflect off some glass or a mirror and hit you in the eye.


Does anyone own this particular laser and would you recommend it. The reviews on the site are good but would like an opinion apart from their website.

My first high quality pen I purchased was Optotronics 75mw green pen and as you have seen he sends a test paper with every laser. It comes in up to 86mw with the IR filter. Just by taking it out of the box you can feel the difference in weight. Jack the owner has amazing customer service and he is the one that replies. Another plus is shipping I got mine in 3 days. This pen is nice and stable. I didnt look at the link but im assuming your looking at 100mw greenie. So far mine is just like the reviews. If you get it enjoy:)
